Never got to know

Out of anger she almost forgot the reason she visited him. What about his Mother? Why was he hiding that? 

"Tell me."Sam asked without turning back to him. 

Jake explains everything from the very beginning, how he helped the minister get away with his crimes but it was just because he thought the minister was innocent. He had no idea about Mr. Dayal's real reasons behind the mission. He just followed his boss's orders. Finally when Jake saw his true colours while the minister was having a secret meeting with the so called mafia, he immediately resigned from his job. 

" I never knew VD and Mr.Dayal are the same person.That's when I seeked help from the Lawyer and not much later he lost his licence too. I am still not sure why he was killed and who killed him. I had no idea I would meet VD one day. I mean Mr.dayal."Jake said.