An unexpected death

On the ground lied the body of one of their prime alibis, Sahil. His white skin turned paler and his lips were a bit twisted and of course pale. Sam instinctive went further to his cold wrist but there were no marks. Then she checked his neck as the recent murders have been committed by slitting throats, but there were no marks on his neck either.

"Is there a new technique now?" Mon asked looking surprised by not finding any similar marks on the body as the bodies they had found earlier.

"What if it's really a suicide?" Jake muttered to make everyone look at him.

"What are you saying? Of course it's a suicide." The young policeman said while he was still sitting much closer to the body checking everything the team was doing. Jake sighed in annoyance.

" Did the police solve it yet?" Sam questioned the guy and he looked puzzled by her answer. He was perhaps not ready for her question him back but carried on his guard and looked away.