Brothers II


 " Better than you at least." She rolled her eyes. " Where am I going to sleep?" she said pouting her lips. Now he could see the real intent for her sudden appearance.

" Sleep? It's like 4 am now. I have to go back to the office by 8 AM today. Thanks to you I could not take a good sleep."

" You make it sound weird." Miss Gill said as she lied down on the sofa.

" What are you trying to do?" Jake asked as he watched her fix the cushions and then lie down.

" I am tired. Can you let me sleep peacefully?" she said and turned over to face the other side.

Jake stood there in awe and then walked towards his room only to stop right before entering the room " How can you be so comfortable here?" he asked turning back. Miss Gill didn't respond so he just assumed she fell asleep already.

7:50 AM, morning;