
My head was killing me.My eyes no doubt filled with sadness that was filling up my heart.It wanted to leak out so bad but I maintained the tight leash over it.I wasn't in the frame of mind to process what was happening and why it was happening.?My instincts were screaming at me to hold it in.To not let it out.I was scared of the emotions I felt inside.I didn't want them out.Afraid of what would happen.I didn't want to risk it.By each passing minute it was getting difficult to stop it.But stop what..?I didn't know.The only thing I knew was that I couldn't fail at controlling it .I have to keep it inside.I feared what was inside of me .It churned and was eager to come out.I closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears to not let its voice haunt me anymore.

"Fuck off". It came again.My head rolled with that phrase and something inside me started to break but I held it in.I heaved a deep breath.Not letting it escape the strong walls I had erected.