
I saw the morning light slowly penetrating the trees,trying to reach me.My eyes blinked as if the wait was over.I got up.Not taking in account the way my muscles protested.

It was time.

My legs didn't cooperate with my decision, maybe that's why they were making such a huge fuss.I walked with my good leg and dragged the bruised one behind.It was a mess but the pain really was not registering with me yet.I didn't feel it at all.

There was nothing left to think or feel.My mind was a blank slate.I was a mess.My gown was muddied.My face showed my broken soul.

Everything inside me had shut down.

I marched to my destination looking straight ahead.I trudged on and stopped before the door that was my only lifeline here.I knocked and entered when Granna's voice bid me.I stood just inside the door not venturing inside trying to maintain that distance from her.