Pushing back the memories down,I glared at the perpetrators who were responsible for this state of mine.
"You wanted to know why I can't forget it Elder Kurona. May be I should enlighten you a bit.What happened right under your nose when you were enjoying your blissful ignorance."
"No..Please don't say anything." A shout from him had me turning to him.
His face was pale.His movements frantic as he came towards me.He stopped a feet away from me,gazing in my eyes,pleading me.Waiting for me to acquiesce to his request.
I smirked at the pained expression on his face.Stepping to the side I moved a step ,his hand encircled my arm to stop me.Without further ado I jerked my hand away.My eyes sharing the animosity I held for him and his kind.
"You are disgusting,Alpha Aeran Kranis and I regret the day I first saw you." I said loudly for all ears.He seemed shaken.Broken from one single sentence.