Chapter 11: The Blood Afraid of _

Allison Marx

5:50 am I suddenly woke up from a meaningful sleep since I met my other mother which our mothers forgot to mention. I thought she's just a past of our Mom but it wasn't at all since she's living inside our Mom which made her also our mother. Her name was Iolana 'Blanche' Monte Cruz and she visited me in my dreams last night after talking to my sister's uncertainness around Lyric. 

"Oscura, did you understand what Mama told us about the reason why you're mute before we found Verona?" I asked my wolf through my mind while I was warming up my body like stretching.

'Of course. I am guarding a certain wolf that will soon awaken within our pack but that wolf wasn't any wolf that everyone knows about.'

"Ah the spirit wolf...I've heard it before from Mom." I guessed as I remembered what we've talked inside my dream.