Synopsis: This story took at 2040 where production of human like program coexists with humans around the world. But, they have shorter lifespan than humans called life service. One day, kazumi saw a woman named yuuki. He then forms a contract with her to "retrieve" the machina from expiring. Thats supposed to be their job but...
Nice Nice Nice ! Keep the excellent work and please add more chapter's in the future, i''d like to hear more from you and the Title Picture/Image is good all the Quality, Story Development, and i'd like also to suggest to add more background in the future that's for all . Nice Novel!
i just happen to bump into this book but deym it was good, i love the way that you made it into a romantic story with a good background and storyline. i hope for you the best and please continue making chapters because i love it!.
I like the story it's very unique itself focusing at a love story of how love is felt by A. I at the future. I also like the way on how you persistently produce chapters Looking forward for more chapters, Greetings from New Zealand
The story is great, more chapters to comes. I like your writing skills, and I like the way you put every details in the story. Keep it up. I like your novel.
this is great! very nice! the writing is dope also the story development. character design is cool I like it. please continue this masterpiece
I love how the author made the flow of the story, I've learned some things because in some situation I can relate it in my life. There's some part that I didn't expect the flow of story, that's why my mind is full of excitement . Good job for the author, I'm still waiting for the next chapter!
The plot is really great. Characters are described greatly. I like Kazumi and others. A different world! I hope Kazumi and Yuki will get together. Better be a happy ending. looking forward to it dear! Keep up the work. Love ya.
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you want to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new works, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters, or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
chapter 5 hurts me a lot, kapanakit mo but keep it up, i'm waiting for the romance chapter, keep it up, we are waiting for the next chapter!
The story is great! Your writing style is unique. The story is easy to understand and is imaginable. I will wait for the other chapters. Keep it up!
I'll keep this short, it's pretty similar to Plastic Memories whenever it's the plot or the idea but it's somewhat different but anyways it is a good story keep it up! 😎
I rarely read sci-fi... but thos one seems interesting. The setting is 2040 which is 20 years from now. I think this story may be possible during that time. The story is nice but may be a few more subtle descriptions may improve it. keep it up!
The story is great. When i first read the synopsis i knew it will be a good romance story. I feel like it will be a good novel. Keep it up Chingchong!
Wow, a story that i've never seen before. That story deserves more recognition. I'll gladly support your's. I hope it gets more success. -HotdogLover123
Your story is great! I love how you cliffhang. It made me want to wait for another chapter. Nice characters specially Yuuki and i love how unique your writing style.