chapter 16

Hello, my lovely readers ...!

how are you all?

I hope you guys are liking the story plot.

waiting for your response ☺


At the breakfast table after Dj everyone gives her gifts like jewelry, dress,  watch, anklet, etc.

After some time all leave for their work.

Mr.Malhotra for office.

Fab5 for jamming

Now only Neonika and Dj and Ananya are in mention.

Ananya is sitting on the sofa of the lounge reading some magazine and Dj is taking a rest and Neyonika comes downstairs getting ready to leave but her cell start buzzing and she stops in middle reaching near Ananya it's her PA call.

she attends the call and after some time, she hung up and she is looking furious and angry oats at someone any look at her and for concern, she asks:

Ananya: "Mom what happened ...everything is fine? "

Neyoonika looks at her and place her hands on her waist and said :

Neyonika: "That bloody commoner ..! she know that today I have a meeting but still she goes out of town. Now, what should I do???? "

She thinks for a while and then look at Ananya and said :

Neyonika:   "Do me a favor Ananya ".

Ananya look at her in confusion and said Ananya: "what favor??? "

Neyonika:-   "Can you plz go to the fashion house in my place. Today one of my old clients is coming to take her dress. Can you plz go on my behalf and give that dress to her you are understanding what I'm saying ."

Ananya:   "But mom how can I go? Even I don't know her and how can I deal with her ? "


Neyonika:-   "Ananya it's not a difficult task you just go and she will come in some time then you give her company and protocol and show her dress and praise her. That's it.

Then you can come back home. Ok ."

She somehow managed to make her agree and leave from there for her important meeting.

After some time Ananya also moves from there towards her room and gets ready in a baby pink top and black skinny jeans and black shoes and goggles. After getting ready she left from there to the fashion house.


She enters a fashion house and looks around, some workers are working and at reception, a lady around thirty is sitting and doing her work.

Ananya moves towards her and asks about Neyonika's office but she doesn't know who is she??? Before she asks   Neyonika's

personal assistant's assistant comes and ask :

"Are you Ananya mam .??"

Ananya nodded. Then her PA introduced her to the receptionist and take her to the cabin.

She e gives her more details about the client and press and after some time PA  leaves from there. She is watching some designs which are placed on the table.

On the other side, Neyonika is busy in meetings. after some time she called her PA and ask about whereabouts and said she is not coming today as Ananya is there if they need something to ask they can ask from Ananya and don't disturb her. She is going to her friend's home.

On the other side, Fab5 is busy jamming and Rayansh doesn't know about Ananya that she is not at home.


Its 7:30 pm and Fab5 came back home. They all are tired and sit on the sofa on the lawn. Butler came and gave them water for a drink.

After drinking water Rayansh asks one of the butlers about Ananya.

Butler:- "Rayansh sir, Ananya Mam is not at home. "

Rayansh:-" what? If she is not at home then where is she ? "

Butler:- She is at Neoyonika Mam's office.

listening to him Rayansh is shocked and angry. Than he shouts

          Rayansh: "What the hell is she is doing at Neyonika office "

Listening to his voice Dj also came from her room and ask what happened???

Rayansh who is angry and frustrated shout on top of his voice

Rayansh: " Dj you are asking me what happened? What will except Neyonika?"

He cut in between by Dj who also said in an angry tone.

Dj: " Rayansh ...! she is your MOM control your anger. Don't cross your limits ."

Rayansh:   "Dj you are telling me don't cross my limits and what about her? Did you know she takes Ananya with her in her office? She never thinks about me. She always give priority to her work now she also makes Ananya like her. Ananya will also not love me know ."

He said cryingly and sit on his knees and crying Dj and fab4 who never saw Rayansh crying like this are now witnessing his this condition.

Dj and fab4 move towards him and sit on their knees with him and hug him tightly. He cried more. Seeing him like this they also cried a little and then they composed themselves.

Dj was the one who break the silence and said :

    " Rayansh .... she said lovingly and he looks at Dj than she wipes his tears and said

" Rayansh Ananya is not like Neyonika,   I know you are always deprived of Veronika's love but trust me Ananya is not like Neyonika,  she will give you all love,  care,  tender and time also ."

He looks toward DJ and then asks like two years baby

 Rayansh:   " What if she is like Neyonika"

this time Cabir spoke :

  Cabir: " No Rayansh this will not happen.

Ananya is not like Neyonika and why you are looking at us like that? Don't you know who is Ananya? Place your hand on your heart and ask you who is Ananya ? and is she like Neyonika? Hmm "

Before he does as Cabir said to him they heard Neyonika's voice means she is home.

All stand up and Rayansh move towards Neyonika and ask

Rayansh:- "Where is Ananya ?? "

In an angry tone, his anger which is some time back is a little calm but now seeing Neyonika his anger came back.

Seeing his behavior Neyonika too shout :

Neyonika:- Rayansh ..! Is this how you talk with your mother? Hmmm

Don't forget that I'm your mother "

..she too said in a stern voice.

Rayansh:- "I'm not asking you about my behavior damn it".

he shouts further " I'm Asking About Ananya. Now can you plz tell me where is my wife "

hmm??? "

Before Neyonika said something they here some one's voice  and all turn towards the source of the voice


Ok, that's it.

I hope you guys like it.

Do tell me in the comments.

Waiting for your response.