Chapter 10 - Exploration through the clouds

"Give it up already!"

Running from a flock of winged creatures, Spencer could be seen holding an egg, panicking.

A while ago, he had spotted one of these creatures flying towards a cliff. In his childlike curiosity, he followed along, climbing the cliff to see what it was. Upon reaching the peak, he came across a nest of them.

Staying hidden to not alert them, he got a little closer. Intrigued by their ability to fly, he wanted to gain this skill as well. He came across some eggs as he was snooping around. Believing he could gain their ability of winged flight from absorbing one he picked one up.

Proudly carrying his loot in his arms, he began to walk back to the edge of the cliff, but unfortunately during his attempted escape, he made a mistake.

A terrible mistake.


He had stepped on a twig that was a part of the nest, alerting the creatures to his activities. Seeing this, he picked up the pace, running towards the edge of the cliff and jumping off, leading to the current situation.

The creatures were relentless in their pursuit of Spencer; constantly diving and snapping their beaks at him to slow him down. He only kept running faster to avoid their pursuit.

"Come on! It is just one egg!"


The creatures responded to his explanations with high-pitched screeches.

Two of the creatures dove at him, trying to impale him with their beaks. He could sense this due to the survival instincts of all the creatures he had absorbed, Spencer shifted his weight to the right, flickering out of the direction of their charge.

In doing so, the creatures lost track of Spencer.

He could be seen hiding behind a tree, holding the egg close to his chest, waiting for them to leave.

Thirty minutes had gone by and his pursuers still did not leave. Spencer was growing restless, he didn't want to absorb the egg now, because if he gains any great changes, he might get exposed and the chase will resume. He wasn't even sure if he would get anything from the egg at all.

Choosing to wait for a little longer, the sky now started to darken.

Getting fed up with lying in wait any longer, Spencer took the egg, liquified it, and absorbed it into his body.


His body began to pulsate, his arms surging with energy and elongating. His pink and ring finger fusing and increasing in length, from the bottom of his arms a membrane of skin and muscle that stretched from his highly elongated fourth fingers of the hands to the start of his hip was formed.

He grew wings! Not the wings of a bird, his wings held no feathers, just a thin layer of skin stretched along his sides.

"COOL!" Spencer exclaimed happily.


A loud pitched shriek rang out, causing Spencer to turn around and saw that the creatures had seen him as his newfound wings were much wider than the tree could hide, alerting the pursuers to his location

The creatures bolted towards Spencer with the full intention of impaling him with their beaks.

"Time to test these bad boys out!" He exclaimed agitatedly seeing the incoming threat.

Spencer tried to move his wings, but all he received was his arms awkwardly flailing about. He had zero knowledge of how to use these wings after all.

Realizing his stupidity, forgetting how he didn't even know how to use his new appendages, Spencer quickly undid the changes, morphing his arms and bracing himself for the incoming attack.

The first of these beasts to reach Spencer flew straight at him with its beak. Seeing this, he waited until it got close enough.

When it did, he shifted to the side and grabbed its beak. Using its momentum he threw it over his shoulder.


Slamming it into the ground, incapacitating it, he turned back to the rest of the group, waiting for them to attack. As he expected, another one did, taking a different line of approach it flew upwards accompanied by another that flew to his left.

Both flying at him, Spencer grabbed the one that was already on the ground by its beak and swung it in the direction of the one to his left, knocking the creature out of the air on collision. The one above him continued its dive at Spencer without delay.

Looking up, seeing the creature flying towards him, it drew near, he reverted his arms to normal as he didn't need them at the moment. The creature drew closer, close enough for Spencer to summon his tail and swing it into the creature's head.


It dropped to the ground unconscious and potentially dead.

All of this happening in a matter of seconds, the rest of the creatures in the group seeing this decided that this fight was no longer worth it and flew away.

"Finally…" He exclaimed, relieved. Even though he could have easily taken care of them without any issues, he wasn't in the mood for a full-on fight.

Looking at the ones he had already flattened, he walked to the first one that initiated the attack.

The creature was roughly the size of a modern-day giraffe, its beak making up a large portion of its face.

With no expression visible on his face, Spencer raised his right leg.


Dropping his foot on the neck of the creature, he snapped it with ease.

The carcass began to liquefy and move towards Spencer's body, causing him to feel a change greater than what he felt when he first ate the egg of one of these things.

Deciding to not summon his wings out yet, he walked up to the other two and absorbed them as well. The changes feeling vastly different from before.

When he finished absorbing the third creature, then did he finally summon his wings from his body and began to examine them.

They felt stronger than before, the membrane they were made of seemed thicker, sturdier, darker in color. It also seemed to have grown in size, the top part of his wings appeared to have gained a thick layer of scales along with sharper endings.

His wings were much different from the wings of those creatures, seeming to have evolved further, and become more suited for aerial combat, including self-maintenance. Checking out all the changes, Spencer was impressed, but he was more interested in the actual usage of his newly acquired body parts.

He started to experiment with them, slowly beginning to gain a better grasp of how they work, soon making conquering the skies his new goal.