Chapter 28 - First Contact

(AN: Sorry for the delay, I got sick with a high fever. The upcoming chapters will be late too, please bear with me, I'm doing my best to get better. :D

Again sorry for the delay.)

A few weeks had passed since the start of Spencer's campaign of conquest. After the successful first few battles, the tribe's grounds have expanded massively. The once small tribe at the bottom of the mountain range now covered almost the entire forest surrounding it.

With the influx of new people swearing up to Spencer and joining them, the previously calm and quiet place had become bustling and chirping once again.

Spencer was currently resting, meditating on his man inside his mansion that was continuously renovated, expanded by the people. Quintus, Hagen, and Cassius were all busy handling the matters with the newcomers.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to his room. Soon, a male voice came from the other side; one of his guards reached out.

"Quintus has come, Spencer. He said that the matter is urgent."

Raising his head, he answered.

"Let him in."

Soon after, Quintus rushed in with a troubled, almost frightened expression.

"Spencer! Trouble!"

He rushed in, still holding the spear in his hand, his attire disheveled, his face covered in a mixture of dirt and blood. His whole figure and behavior alerted Spencer.

"What happened? Speak!" He spoke with a stern tone.

"Outsiders! 4 outsiders came from the north, wearing strange metal clothes and carrying powerful weapons. They are at the northern borders!"

'4? Strange metal clothes?' Spencer was confused. He was thinking that Quintus was probably referring to some sort of body armor. However, if that's the case who could these be? Such technology shouldn't be available for several tens of thousands of years at the very least!

Looking at the agitated man in front of him, he wanted to confirm something.

"Do they look like us? Or do they have a tail or something that is weird? Besides their clothing and weapons, of course."

"I... I don't think so. They are taller, but besides that, I can't tell." Quintus answered, then turning towards the exit, he continued. "We have to go, Spencer, I don't know if our man can hold them up if they attack!"

"Lead the way." Spencer curtly answered.

They both rushed out of the mansion, running towards the north with high speeds, Quintus leading the way. Meanwhile, Spencer was racking his brain trying to jolt his memory of what these people could be. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember anything.

Still, whoever they were, having the gall to threaten his people, could only end in one way!

Approaching the area, Spencer could already feel the presence of the outsiders. They were faint, but still powerful, exuding strength that was above the norm. There was some strange warmth coming from them as well, something intangible that he couldn't place.

Finally, he saw the peculiar sight. The group of four tall humanoid soldiers, garbed in full silvery bodysuits with some strange purple hue radiating out of them, standing calmly holding advanced spear-like weapons, surrounded by a group of his guards, all wearing tribal clothing and holding their own primitive stone spears. It was actually rather comical.

Quintus signaled the guards who made way for them. As the four warriors saw the tall man with long platinum hair arriving wearing robes, they immediately knew he should be this primitive tribe's leader.

Although there was some mystery shrouding the person, the 4 Atlantean Men-of-War didn't think of him as a threat. After all, this is just another primitive tribe of monkey people!

Looking at them, Spencer was thinking about what he should do. Just looking at them, there was an obvious language barrier.

His thoughts were interrupted when the man in front of them spoke in a strange language he never heard before. It was obviously much more sophisticated than the crude primitive tribal one he and his man were using. Although he couldn't understand a word he was saying, he still could feel the arrogant and condescending tone.

Clenching his fists, he looked at the armored man in front of him, with a serious expression, not saying a word.

The Man-of-War thinking that they were probably frightened, motioning with his weapon towards the ground while uttering the same word as if ordering something. His intention obvious, he wanted the tribe's leader, Spencer, to kneel in front of them in reverence!

Spencer only snorted in response. His figure flickered momentarily. In the next instant, the instant the armor in the man's calves was shredded, the sound of armor, skin, and flesh being torn apart resounded, followed by a loud blood-curdling scream as the man in the front fell onto his knees.

Watching their partner fall down to the ground in a matter of a second, shocked the remaining three Atlanteans. Still, as seasoned warriors of their race, they quickly jumped to action, aiming their weird spears towards Spencer. The top of their weapons suddenly glowed with a purplish light.

Not wanting to test out the power of their weapons as it was obviously much more advanced that Spencer was expecting, he quickly jumped into action. His figure vanished, appearing behind the three. His hands already transformed into his demi-human claws he slashed at the back of the two, tearing through their armor with ease, slicing off their heads.

As the two now-headless bodies fell to the ground with an audible thud, he was already behind the last warrior. Before he could even react to the sudden turn of events, he felt an electric jolt from his back. In a moment the jolt got replaced by burning, searing pain, as his nervous system was torn to shreds with a clawed scaly hand tearing through his armor, entering his body.

The last thing he saw in his life was the bloodied clawed monstrous hand ripping a hole through his body and exiting through the front. The light leaving his eyes, he followed his teammates and fell into the dust. Behind the visor of his helmet, the shock ever-frozen on his face. Even in his last breath, he couldn't believe that his life ended in a single second, to some primitive monkey.

The guards, besides Quintus, were also shocked seeing their leader moving with such inhumane speeds. Spencer glanced at him and solemnly spoke.

"This matter is now resolved. Take your guards away from here. I will remove these bodies. Don't let anybody speak of this matter. Got it?"

Quintus hurriedly nodded.


Then looking at his group of guards, he quickly waved at them, to leave the area. As they left, Spencer could see him strictly address them. Switching his attention back to the dead bodies on the ground, he crouched down between the group of four.

"Now… let's see who you guys really were.." He muttered to himself as he touched all four bodies and absorbed them. As their bodies liquefied and flew into him, their memories began to appear, and flash through his mind.

He sat down on the ground in a meditative pose, focusing entirely on the images of the new world that shocked him to the core! Atlantis! Atlanteans! He suddenly remembered reading about them a few times, but since they weren't the most interesting storyline, he never really focused on their history. The most he knew about them was that they were an underwater country with unique powers and the ability to ride and talk to sea creatures.

But these Atlanteans were not living underwater but had a thriving empire in a distant continent with the size of Australia! On top of that, they were dabbling in the mystical arts and used this energy to advance their technology.

Several minutes have flown by as Spencer silently meditated on the new memories and stored them. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the weapons on the ground with a sad sigh.

While the technology would be beneficial to them, they wouldn't be able to use it. The minds of his people wouldn't be able to handle such complex concepts. At least not now.

With a sad sigh, he decided to destroy these, lest they would bring forth a disaster once again.

However, in his eyes, a new glint could be seen flashing momentarily. He had a new goal, something that could stabilize his tribe's future, something that will change the course of history!