Chapter 40 - Preparation

Once Spencer had told the council his name with a respectful bow, they began to communicate with each other using their telepathy, discussing possibilities concerning who he was or where he could have come from. Ma'alefa'ak broke away from the discussion and spoke out to Z'orr Z'akk.

"I wish to see more of what you know about the white Martians' plans!"

Spencer, or to be more precise, Z'orr Z'akk scanned the council once again for a few moments before looking at the red martian council leader, Ma'alefa'ak.

"I have already given you information that places you at an advantage. Any further information will come at a cost."

Saying this, he looked at Ma'alefa'ak with an expression saying that there will be no further discussion on the matter, causing him to make a sour expression showing his offense.

The guards and council seemed greatly displeased with what he had said as well, how he continued to speak as if he was the one in control in the room and continuing to ignore the importance of their roles.

Z'orr Z'akk could see the contempt on their faces, but he paid no heed to their dissatisfaction with his attitude towards them, he stood motionless, looking Ma'alefa'ak in the eyes. Ma'alefa'ak sighed, as he was the one who was mainly affected by his behavior, but he did well at controlling and maintaining his composure.

He was convinced that Z'orr Z'akk was holding something back, information that could prove to be vital to them when the time of the rebellion arises. Z'orr Z'akk wasted no time, wanting to amuse them to make sure he could achieve what he came here for before they ran out of patience.

"What is it that you want?"

Ma'alefa'ak fell for Z'orr Z'akk's ploy and began to ask for his conditions. Seeing this as his opportunity for further negotiations, Z'orr Z'akk responded immediately.

"I am a wanderer, someone who seeks to find resources that are useful to me. All I ask is that you allow me to learn from your best scientist. The smartest of all of you, and have them teach me all they know about the technology."

His demand was heard by every present member of the council, but the one who reacted the most to this looked to be J'ornell. He jumped up from his seat upon hearing this outsider's outrageous demands.

"Who do you think you are?! Some unknown, unworthy spec of dust, that decided to show up and request demands as if you hold some form of leverage against us… Such demands are OUT of the ques-"

J'ornell was promptly interrupted in the middle of his rant by Ma'alefa'ak raising a hand for him to be quiet. After giving a sharp, disappointed look to the future Manhunter, Ma'alefa'ak began to speak for himself.

"Your request can be granted with the condition that you will be under constant surveillance. Additionally, no harm can be directed towards the scientist under any condition."

Standing from his seat and taking a more intimidating stature, Ma'alefa'ak's eyes became cold and calculating, attempting to see through any motives Z'orr Z'akk might have.

"You will be severely punished along with any other associates you have if you violate this agreement!"

Ma'alefa'ak threatened without a hint of hesitation in his tone, causing the atmosphere in the room to become almost suffocating, making sure he was clear of the consequences of crossing him and the council. Sitting down, Ma'alefa'ak continued.

"Now, tell me everything you know, Z'orr Z'akk, the wanderer."





Some time has passed since Z'orr Z'akk met with the council. After a few other discussions and giving them all of the information he could gather from the memories of the white Martians, he was allowed access to his requests.

A guard was guiding him to the head scientist that works under the council and the council alone. The head scientist was a female Martian that was held highly amongst all of the other scientists on Mars. Her intelligence was unmatched when compared to her colleagues, making her the perfect resource for Z'orr Z'akk's plans.

When Z'orr Z'akk first met the female scientist that went by the name Bey'on, she continued to refuse to teach him, even when the council urged her to. She could only see him as a simple-minded civilian, and she had not attempted to hide it in the slightest, voicing out repetitive insults, much to the silent irritation of Z'orr Z'akk.

Eventually, she gave up trying to demotivate him and decided to continue her work whilst ignoring his presence in her lab. Soon enough, she was working as if everything was normal. Z'orr Z'akk would remain in the background and examine her work, trying to see what he could potentially learn from watching her.

After a while, he began trying to imitate her work, only to fail time and time again without faltering even once. At one point he tried to read her mind to get what he needed since she refused to help him, but all he received in return was a plasma cannon pointed at his forehead and a warning from her.

Bey'on had gotten tired of his disruptions at one point and decided to show him the basics of how to at least not blow himself up. As expected, over time, she began to teach him the fundamentals and left him to himself, wishing to see if he was worth teaching.

The female Martian's vast knowledge of the core principles of subjects that are only a mere concept on earth was immense. If it was not for his mind being evolved to an extreme degree, the knowledge would have overwhelmed him time and time again. After some time of working by himself subsequent to being taught the fundamentals of her work, Z'orr Z'akk's knowledge was rapidly developing, increasing to almost matching her's after only a few weeks.

At the moment, Z'orr Z'akk was currently surrounded by a cluster of machines ranging from various sizes and purposes only known to him. For what would have been months back on Earth, he has been absorbing the knowledge of Mars akin to a sponge, not missing even the smallest detail of their array of technologies.

His mind was more advanced than a vast majority of other species, within only about a few weeks, he had learned all that he could from the female scientist. He spent the rest of his time experimenting and expanding upon his newfound knowledge, reaching to the point that he had almost surpassed the Martian.

He had also learned the fundamentals of warp travel, and since then, he was driven by a newfound thirst for knowledge that he never thought he was capable of. The more he seemed to comprehend, the more driven he became. Learning at a shocking rate, even in the eyes of the Martian scientist that was so reluctant to teach him from the start. At this point, all he could do was build on his knowledge and grow.

Cutting to the female scientist for a brief moment, she was perplexed by the new addition to her lab, when he was first brought to her by the guards in the middle of her work and was told that she was to teach him, she was rightfully angered by this sudden extra baggage. However, she had no choice, even as she continued to complain to the council about how he would only be a distraction.

The last thing she expected was that this new baggage was capable of learning at such an astonishing rate. It perplexed her to an ever-growing degree, her years spent reaching the point she was now… was all achieved within only a few months by a random person she had never even heard off. She was furious, but there was newfound respect that was slowly being built upon her anger.

Returning to Z'orr Z'akk, he has been sitting in his side of the lab, currently working on his projects, and building his experience with Martian technology. He was completely caught up in his work, not paying the slightest heed to his surroundings. Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder, drawing his attention away to the source.

"Huh? What is it?"

Bey'on had her hand placed on his shoulder, looking at him for a few moments before she began to speak.

"Where did you come from? I have spent years learning all that I have, and you just happen to appear and achieve the same in less than half that time. How?!"

He only looked at her and did not respond to the question. Bey'on saw that he had no intention of giving her answers and continued to speak.

"Are you not going to answer? You are far different from any other Martian I have seen or worked with, and I want to understand why that is."

Z'orr Z'akk simply continued to look at her but responded to the question.

"I am a nobody, a simple wanderer. Don't worry yourself on who I am or where I came from, it doesn't matter."

Responding to the question, he turned around and continued with his work.

Bey'on refused to take that as an answer, but she knew that he wasn't going to tell her anything about himself anytime soon. Seeing that asking him was pointless, she promptly left the room and made her way to the council. Walking past the hall of guards and almost bursting through the door she surprised the council members with her distrait attitude.

All eyes were on her as she stormed in and placed her hands on the table.

"Just who is he?! I refuse to believe that some mere civilian could match my years of work in only months. Is he my replacement?!" Bey'on agitatedly exclaimed.

The first to respond to her question was J'onn J'onzz, sitting next to Ma'alefa'ak.

"We know nothing about who he is or where he came from. All we know is that he can provide us with information about the white Martian rebellion and that he could be of use to us when the time comes."

Bey'on was again not satisfied with the answer she had received. She needed to know where this Martian came from, and how he managed to do what took her years in only months of learning only the fundamentals. Bey'on left the council room and returned to her lab in a hurry, coming in to see Z'orr Z'akk still working.

If she couldn't know who he was or where he came from, she might as well see what he has been working on for the past few weeks, spending all of his time without a single break. She walked back over to him and looked over his shoulder to examine what he was doing.

In her view, all she could see was a bundle of parts scattered in front of him. She couldn't make out what he was working on at all. In the end, she decided that she might as well ask him.

"What are you doing?"

Z'orr Z'akk slowly turned around to look at her.

"Something that could prove useful when the time comes." He answered insipidly.

As he said that, a guard rushed in through the lab door followed by several others, they began to search for Bey'on, and once they saw her, they quickly came closer.

"The rebellion has started! The scanners you made have picked up a small of the white Martians carrying weapons, heading towards the city!"

Bey'on was shocked that the rebellion would be happening soo soon, she predicted it would at least be another few months before they decided to attack. She hadn't finished with the preparations needed to fight them off. In her panic, only one voice was heard.

"Heh, it looks like that time is now…" Z'orr Z'akk muttered with a small grin curving on his face.

Placing the last piece of his creation together, he held it in his hand and looked at the people in the lab. In his hands was a massive cannon-like gun that radiated with energy, sparks pulsed as Spencer activated his creation and began walking towards the door of the lab.

"It's time to test out what this little baby can do!"