Chapter 46 - Extra precautions

As Bey'on left the front of the facility and swiftly traveled back to her lab, she soon after returned holding a small rectangular gadget containing the star map that she had promised, and as Spencer promised, he agreed to let her join him in his expedition through space in search of knowledge and his personal goal.

For the next few hours after she brought him the map, she had spent the time filling the ship with her private research and blueprints from the lab in the council building, while Spencer carefully uploaded all of the data from the map into the bio-ship. Uploading everything from the map only took him a few minutes. As of now, he was resting in a hammock that was formed on the top of the ship with black sunglasses on.

"Perhaps I could ask you for some help?"

Bey'on called out to Spencer in the hopes that he would help her with transferring her research to the ship. He pulled down his glasses and looked down at her from his hammock for a brief moment, before returning to staring at the facility ceiling.

"This would be much faster if you helped…" Bey'on audibly lamented.

Spencer sighed and brought his attention to Hex.

"Hex, help her out for me, will ya?"

Hex who was within the ship opened the boarding door whilst exiting it, slowly walking towards Bey'on. Once it arrived in front of her, his clear voice came from within the armor.

"[How may I be of assistance?]"

Seeing as this was all she was going to get, she accepted the help. With the aid of Hex and the two moving her research into the ship simultaneously, the process was completed in the next hour without difficulty. All that was left was to set a destination and continue forward.

The next day everything was prepared and configured for departure. The bioship's power core was fully replenished for the journey. Spencer, Bey'on, and Hex, who had returned to being an arm cuff, all entered the ship with everything they needed. Spencer sat in the control chair, while Bey'on moved to the back of the ship to set up her lab.

Whilst sitting in the control chair, he scanned through the star map that appeared on a holographic screen before him. Using his hand to guide the map to what he wanted, he was searching for planets that orbited around a red star. He also went through the most dangerous species listed on the map, remembering their homes.

As he was in the process of examining the map for potential interests, one of the automatic doors leading to the back of the ship opened as Bey'on walked out of her lab and towards Spencer.

"Where exactly do you plan on heading?"

Not taking his eyes off the map, he responded.

"I don't know yet. I'm still figuring that part out myself."

After he responded to her question, she remained silent and just stood beside him. As she was about to walk off, she was stopped by Spencer grasping her arm and holding her in place.

"Before we go anywhere, I will need to get rid of any future issues that could pop up. I need to make sure you are not gonna be just some 'damsel in distress' that I have to keep on rescuing every time."

Bey'on appeared utterly confused by what Spencer was talking about, she didn't know what he meant by her being a "damsel". However, she didn't have the time to grasp the situation before her body was suddenly engulfed in raging purple flames. Bey'on immediately fell to her knees as her body began to become unstable and melt, she continuously released wrenching shrieks expressing her immense pain within the flames.

Her body began to enter a liquid-like state as it was bathed in the scorching flames. Sometime later, she was just a puddle on the floor of the ship, inactive and unmoving. Spencer made an incision on his finger, causing a fraction of his golden blood to flow to the surface.

Turning over his hand, the fraction of his blood dripped and fell slowly towards the puddle that was once Bey'on. The golden blood descended slowly and once it had come in contact with the puddle, it immediately began to swirl and elegantly rise from the ground, rapidly reforming back into the shape of Bey'on's body.

She was completely reformed from the puddle back into her original form in a matter of seconds, except that her body was now being in a perpetual flame. Her eyes glowed bright red, her body took a more aggressive posture. Once she had reformed into a new form, she began to hug and caress her own body to confirm what had happened to her.

Her stomach, shoulders, and face, were all examined by her. Soon enough she stopped and looked towards Spencer, who was still examining the map whilst she collected herself.

"What did you do to me?!"

Spencer stopped looking at the star map for the moment and looked at Bey'on.

"Just a precaution for any future issues. I just modified you a little bit."

Bey'on was confused, she understood the gist of his action towards her a moment ago, but that did not mean that she agreed with it. She looked down at her hands to see them engulfed in flames. The one thing that could cause her people immense pain. However, right now she felt no such pain, in fact, she was comforted by them as they engulfed her being. She felt empowered by them, she was filled with a newfound sense of power that she did not think she could obtain.

"I made you into the absolute prime of your race. You have no more excuse to be a hindrance to me. None!" Spencer exclaimed.

Bey'on continued to examine herself closely. After some time she had finished processing what had been done to her, but she had no idea what she was now capable of with her new biology. She took her eyes from her body and sent her gaze towards Spencer for answers.

He noticed her gaze and elaborated on what he did to her.

"Stop looking at me like that. All I did was to modify your biology a bit by using my own blood as a catalyst. There are no side effects, you can just calm down."

Bey'on only stared at him, annoyance clearly written on her expression.

"You could have warned me!"

She spoke out with agitation from the pain she had to go through just a few moments ago.

"I know and I could have, but then you would have started asking too many questions. Questions I don't feel like answering right now."

She was still greatly upset at him for what he did, but she suppressed it for the time being. She was about to walk off back to her lab to examine herself further, but Spencer stopped her once again.

"Hey, change back before you go walking around the ship like that… Oh, on second thought, I have a much better idea!"

Getting up from the control chair, he stood before the flaming Bey'on and gave her a suggestion.

"How about, you change your appearance to look more like me for the time being, only keeping your gender the same."

Hearing his suggestion, she looked at him strangely from confusion as to why she should take on his appearance.


"I don't want you being discovered as what you are now by those idiots at the council. Just… just get on with it!"

Bey'on then proceeded to morph her body, the flames began to dissipate as elegant rosy, pale skin took its place. Her eyes quickly changed from red to a deep purple, while platinum-colored hair began to grow from the top of her head. Her chest and hips expanded to become more curved and full, whilst her muscles grew to a perfect degree to match her new visuals. As the process of change finished, she thoroughly took the appearance of a female version of Spencer.

When Bey'on had finished her change, Spencer gazed at her before pointing out a specific detail she missed.

"*Cough* You… You forgot something…"

He pointed at the black compact suit covering his body which was completely absent from her elegant frame. She looked at herself and immediately formed the same black suit over her body, finally completing the transformation.

Spencer made an ok sign with his hand and patted her on the shoulder.

"You look way better than I would have thought. Now, we should go test those new gifts I gave you."

He placed his hand against her back and began to lead her to another door at the back of the ship. Once they both approached it, the door opened to reveal an empty room with a console at its center. Leading her into the room, Spencer approached the console and began to type in a set of instructions into the holographic screen.

"What are you doing?" Bey'on asked with a confused expression on her face.

Spencer looked away from the screen and looked at her.

"I'm setting up an artificial environment for you to get used to your new self. I won't have you blowing up my ship by some accident. Just trust me."

Finishing typing on the console, the room lit up and began to take the shape of an average martian city. Buildings rose from the floor as the walls seemed to vanish. After a few seconds as the process was completed, the console sunk into the floor, leaving only the landscape of a virtual Martian city.

"W-what is this?"

Bey'on began to look around the room in surprise. Walking up to the wall of one of the buildings, Spencer patted the wall a few times and began to speak.

"These are what I like to call Hard light Constructs. It is similar to your artificial reality technology, but with some improvements."

Saying his explanation, Spencer reared back and casually punched the wall for a quick demonstration. The section of the wall that he had punched shattered and expanded out, in sync with a massive gust of wind following shortly after. Bey'on was quickly swept from her feet and pushed away. The building instantly crumbled, pulling some of the nearby buildings down with it.

"As you can see, the room will absorb and distribute the force you generate into excess energy for the ship. So… go wild!"

Bey'on who had caught herself in mid-air looked down at where the building was before in absolute shock at what he had just done. She slowly made her way back towards where she was before and looked Spencer in the eyes.

"Again… just WHAT are you?"

She asked him the same question as before, but with more seriousness behind her tone. Spencer simply shrugged his shoulders and started walking away.

"Hex, let me out!"

Speaking a command, a door appeared in front of him leading back to the main area of the ship, before he walked through, he stopped to say something to Bey'on.

"That question may never be answered. Tell Hex when you think you have a grasp of your new abilities and he will let you out."

As he said that, he walked through the door and returned to the hall of the ship, leaving Bey'on within the simulation.

After sending Bey'on off, Spencer went back to the control chair and returned to scrolling through the many star systems that were listed within the map. He continued to go through the listings until he came upon a particular discovery. Whilst scrolling through the arrangement of planets that would potentially orbit a red star, there were no mentions of a Kryptonian civilization of any degree.

'Hmm… Maybe I could try some other worlds then, I guess…"