Chapter 49 - Self Defense

Launching an attack at such a speed that not even a blur could be seen, Shaya abruptly thrust her fist towards Spencer's chest. Once collided, the echoes of a sonic blare immediately followed after, swirling dust and amplifying the area's effect of the attack. At this point, the civilians that were close by had removed themselves quite some time ago, leaving only the trio and Spencer alone.

Before the dust had completely cleared, a barrage of blares rang out in unison, pushing back the dust in an instant revealing Spencer who was completely motionless during the situation, not moving an inch during the onslaught of blows. Soon enough the barrage ended as Shaya jumped from the dust cloud in her normal state covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

Trying to catch her breath, Ginge walked over to her and patted her shoulder.

"You shouldn't have killed it... We could have examined it to see what it was capable of and then store its data into the records."

Shaya who was still breathing heavily struggled to respond to Ginge.

"I-It's not dead... All of my most powerful attacks just bounced off it as if I was merely brushing it! I wouldn't be surprised if it was completely unharmed."

Tarro and Ginge were immediately overwhelmed by shock, not knowing how to respond to what she had just said. Considering that she was the strongest of them and ranked 6th on the board of champions, what she just stated should be impossible.

"What?! Are you sure?!" Tarro exclaimed.

Shaya raised her head and slowly pointed over to the cloud of dust that was rapidly dissipating.

"See for yourself."

As she spoke, the cloud had finally fallen and the unharmed frame of Spencer was revealed standing in the same spot. Upon seeing him, Ginge and Tarro immediately went into a deep battle stance and stood facing Spencer.

"Are you done attacking me, or do I have to retaliate a little?"

Spencer announced a small threat to get them to stop attacking him, and it seemed to have worked as the three began to back away to distance themselves from him. Watching them back away, Spencer dusted himself off and began to speak to them to reach a consensus on the matter of what he was.

"I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Spencer and I am not a creature of your planet, so I would appreciate it if you would stop attacking me as if I was some wild beast…"

The trio, still in their battle stances took in all that Spencer had said and began to think of the current situation.

"If what you said is true, then why have you come here?"

Shaya, as always, was the first person of the group to question Spencer. He found this intriguing and decided to indulge her curiosity.

"Why? I simply came to this planet as a visitor, I mean no harm to you."

Spencer responded to her question whilst bolstering the most innocent smile he could plaster on his face. Little did he know, his smile looked to be everything but innocent, sending chills down the spines of Shaya, Tarro, and Ginge. The trio had quickly come to a decision based on the possibility of him being a threat to the peace of the capital.

Within an instant, all three of them began to focus their breathing and abruptly transformed into their enhanced state. Golden light radiated from them as a burst of energy began to escape their bodies and shift the rocks around them.

Spencer observed this and quickly realized that they did not trust him in the slightest. He lowered his head and released an audible drawn-out sigh, clearly expressing his lack of enthusiasm for fighting them.

"Can we not? I already know where this is going, and I rather not fight you over something like this…"

Ignoring his reluctant attitude, the three rushed at him in an instant with Shaya as the lead of the attack. Tarro pivoted to the left and vanished while Ginge took to the right and discharged a ball of yellow energy towards Spencer to grab his attention. Tarro rushed at Spencer's legs to throw him off balance, whilst Shaya attempted a frontal assault directed towards his face.

Even though the three were moving at speeds that would render them imperceptible to the naked eye, Spencer watched this entire process as if it was in slow motion. Waiting till the last moment before contact, for a fleeting instance, Spencer vanished from existence. Promptly after, Shaya, Tarro, and Ginge were all sent flying without any visible explanation as to how it had all happened, even they were confused as to what had transpired.

Cutting back to what had happened the instant Spencer had vanished, from the moment he escaped from sight his view of the world around him changed, he moved at such a speed that time was at a standstill. Whilst he was at this speed, he quickly dispatched the trio attacking him. The first of them to take a beating was Tarro, receiving a total of 6 consecutive blows to the solar plexus and windpipe respectively.

After he had finished with Tarro, he brought his attention to Shaya, scanning her up and down. He took a close look at her assets and immediately felt sorry for what he was about to do, so he settled with breaking both her arms and moved on to Ginge.

Not wanting to waste any more of his time, he simply slapped him on the shoulder, burying him deep into the ground below, then he simply sat down and waited for them to catch up.

Each of them received a special beating. Tarro received his beating rather violently, the blows to his vital areas left him groveling on his knees whilst holding his throat and stomach in a heavily battered state. Ginge was instantly buried 50 ft underground on the brink of death from the force needed to push him that far into the ground. Shaya, on the other hand, was screaming in immense pain once her brain registered what had happened to her courtesy of Spencer.

After screaming for some time, she managed to calm herself down and question this entire scene.

"What happened?"

Since she was the only one that was not too badly injured and could still speak, even though she was highly disoriented, she still tried to remember what might have happened to them.

"I simply defended myself, and it looks like you couldn't handle it as well as you thought."

Hearing his mocking words, Shaya gritted her teeth in anger and jumped to her feet, standing there with her two broken arms and a nick in her pride. She resisted her urge to lung at Spencer and channeled energy into her arms, rapidly returning them to normal. Then she swiftly went over to check on the now unconscious Tarro, kneeling by his side and checking his condition.

"You should probably check on your other friend too..."

Spencer said this while pointing to the newly formed hole in the ground. When she saw this, only one person came to mind, and then it dawned on her.


Shaya could no longer hold back her anger as she assumed the worst when it came to Ginge's case. Gathering her composure, Shaya began forcing air into her lungs, causing her frame to bulk up dramatically. Stomping her feet into the ground beneath her, it trembled as an ident was formed. The area encompassing her began to rumble as the rocks at her feet began to rise from the ground and float around her, the patterns on her body started to surge a vibrant green color as energy began to leak into the atmosphere from her body.

Her body slowly began to levitate from the floor below, bringing up a draft that blew dust in Spencer's face. Fanning away the dust with his hand, Spencer shrouded his hand with his inner energy and placed it facing forward mimicking the shape of a gun. A whistling sound could be heard as a ball of energy smaller than that of a pebble formed at the tip of his middle finger, aiming it at Shaya, he spoke.

"This is your last chance to talk. Make your choice."

Shaya rushed at him without missing a beat and attempted to kick him across the side of his face. The pressure behind the kick warped the space around it for an instant before making contact. Moving his head slightly, Spencer casually evaded her kick and grabbed her leg with his free hand. Aiming at the thigh of the leg that she attempted to kick him with, he released a beam that pierced through her thigh, causing her to scream in pain. Hearing her screaming, Spencer slammed her into the ground face first.

"Ready to give up?"

Spencer asked her hoping she would say yes, but his hopes weren't that simple.

"I'll kill you!"

Shaya spat in the direction of Spencer, the liquid projectile colliding with his face and trickling down. Touching the area where the spit touched him, Spencer wiped it off and huffed in annoyance.

"Your funeral…"

Tightening his grip on her leg, he began to slam her body repeatedly into the ground, creating a deeper and deeper hole. Soon enough she was rendered unconscious and buried underground alongside Ginge. Letting go of her leg, he plopped himself down on the ground next to her hole and started slapping her cheek for her to regain consciousness.

After some time, she had finally woken up from her state of unconsciousness, but she was still heavily disoriented and internally wounded to a severe degree.

Spencer could sense this and quickly realized that he used a "little" too much force when dealing with her.

Kneeling and placing his hand on her stomach, he channeled some of his energy into her body and rapidly accelerated her healing process. With that, she was healed in an instant.

Jolting up from the hole she was in, Shaya quickly examined herself in shock.

"You healed me?"

Wiping off his hand, he responded.

"Yes, yes I did. Now can we have a little conversation before your friends get here in the next few minutes?"

Engulfing her body in his energy, he lifted her from the hole and placed her next to him.

"Honestly I'm starting to question if your brain even functions… As I said before, I mean no harm, as a way of showing this to you, I healed you even though you guys attacked me first for no reason at all."

Seeming to have calmed down slightly by his words, Shaya no longer felt the immediate need to attack Spencer, but she remained vigilant. Observing her more calm demeanor, Spencer sat on the floor and crossed his legs together, he then signaled for her to sit in front of him, which she did rather obediently whilst keeping an eye on Spencer's movements.

"Before we talk, I would like to ask for you to heal my companions as well."

Deeming her request as a small one, Spencer made use of his telekinetic abilities and pulled Tarro towards him. Once Tarro was close enough, Spencer healed him and laid his body next to Shaya. After he was finished with Tarro, he brought his attention to Ginge, lifting him from out of the ground and healed him as well.

"I have fulfilled your request, now let's talk about what I want."