Chapter 75 - Grief and Arrival

Chapter 75 - Grief and Arrival

As the hours continued to pass by, Spencer was suddenly jolted awake when the three 'stowaways' started regaining their consciousness. His eyes sprung open, and in the next moment, his figure disappeared from his comfortable spot on the couch, only to reappear in the medical bay, standing next to Milo's open medical pod which resided next to the other two.

Observing as the three struggled to muster any form of movement In their severely weakened state, Spencer scanned their bodies briefly to see if there was anything else wrong with them. Seeing no issue, he made sure to see if they were conscious enough to comprehend what he was about to tell them.

"Welcome back to the world of the living you three!"

The trio readjusting themselves and their senses quickly realizing he was right next to them.

"How are you guys feeling?"

"Horrible..." almost simultaneously, Milo, Cassa, and Shaya all spoke out their displeasure whilst being in this condition, unable to move to any significant degree.

"What happened? Where are we?" Milo was the first to realize that he was not in any medical facility he could recall being on this level in any tribe. The bright ceiling lights, the glistening metal walls, even the medical pods... None of these were seen in any of the facilities he has been in.

Milo began to exit the medical pod, struggling to keep himself upright as his feet were planted on the floors of the medical bay, he was promptly followed by Shaya and Cassa who both stumbled a little, soon resorting to using the side of the medical pods as support.

"I'm with Milo, where are we? And what happened?" Cassa was just as curious as Milo about what had transpired whilst they were out of commission.

Though he did not need to breathe, Spencer took a deep breath before he began to explain everything. "Let's start from the beginning...Aethros was on a killing spree, went from tribe to tribe, swiftly killing all of the inhabitants of the planet, the Elders very much included.".

Watching their dreadful expressions, he continued, "In his last fight with the Elder of your tribe and the last remaining tribe, the planet became unstable from the fierce battle that raged. The Elders seemed to be winning…that was until Aethros used the last of his immense power to create a singularity that pushed the planet to its breaking point. The planet eventually lost its 'will' and basically.." Snapping his finger, a holographic recording showing the destruction of their planet from the ship's point of view appeared next to him, "Boom!".

Receiving a chaotic jolt throughout their flesh and bone, an immense ball of strong emotions swiftly formed within them, but they each had their ways of dealing with it. Milo was boiling with sadness and rage, but he remained stern as he closed his eyes and silently grieved, Shaya Promptly broke down and began to mourn her losses and the death of her people. Bringing his attention to Cassa, he observed as her face turned red from the anger and sadness she was feeling, pushing herself to get closer to Spencer until she lost her balance.

Catching Cassa from falling, Spencer looked at her confused, "What are you doing?" He tried to help her get to her feet before she pushed herself away from him.

"Why didn't you help us?" she continued to fight to stay standing, "Why didn't you stop him from doing this!?" Cassa began to cry uncontrollably, "If you're so powerful, why didn't you help us!?", She shouted all of her dissatisfaction towards him, slowly building up to hatred from him refusing to help them in their time of need.

"Cassa...I had no obligation to go out of my way to save your now-dead world. I have what I came for, I saved you three due to a minuscule connection I felt before I left your world to die. You three now have another chance at life, I will help you three however I can. I just hope you don't waste it.�� Spencer didn't feel much of anything from Cassa's words, but he did have to at least show some form of compassion due to them experiencing the genocide of their entire race and the destruction of their homeworld.

" obligation!? How could you say that?" Cassa was crushed by Spencer's words, she couldn't take it anymore.

For a brief moment, her aura could be seen manifesting on her body before she rushed at Spencer in her significantly weakened state. Rushing to punch him in the face at least once. Watching her approach him whilst enraged, he raised his pointer finger and met her punch halfway, canceling all the force behind it.

Cassa wasn't finished as she continued to try and attack him, sending punches to the best of her ability until she abruptly lost balance and stumbled to the ground. This time Spencer didn't catch her.

"You done?" He was trying to get this situation over with so he could proceed with his other plans, "As I was saying... I'm planning to bring the three of you to the very peak of your species. I will grant you all immense power at the cost of your loyalty, what will it be?" Introducing all of them to his offer, he began to wait for a response.

Milo appeared deep in thought whilst the weeping Shaya held no reaction, Cassa on the other hand was furious, "I would never follow you! You are nothing but a monster! Leave us alone!" She shouted with pure disdain in her voice.

"Suit yourself." Spencer promptly shrugged his shoulders and exited the medical bay, making his way over to Bey'on's lab to check on her progression, leaving the three in their grief.

As his figure vanished from the Medical Bay, suddenly the vehement temper that Cassa displayed crumbled as she fell back down on the ground, whilst tears began to escape from the corner of her eyes. She suddenly recalled all of her friends, and even rivals as she grew up to the person she was now.

She looked at her best friend, only to be met by a blank expression. Shaya was simply unable to process Spencer's words. Her people… are dead? Just like that? This…

Seeing her expression, Cassa inched closer to the empty, emotionless husk that her friend was. Making her way up to her pod, she lightly embraced Shaya, planting her face on her shoulder.

She continued to weep, wordlessly letting her emotions go wild and create a tumultuous storm over Shaya's shoulder. This simple 'action' however, pushed Shaya over the edge as well. Her dull, empty look suddenly transformed, revealing deep sadness. Tears began to rapidly gather and flow from her eyes, as she also erupted to a loud griefing cry pulling her best friend closer to her embrace and using her right shoulder the same way as Cassa did with hers.

The two continued to cry, why Milo continued to contemplate on everything that had transpired with a solemn expression.


Entering her lab, Spencer could see Bey'on facing two pods containing both Ego and Tiger. She was typing something into a tablet, he approached her and hugged her from behind as always, looking over her shoulder to read the data on the screen she had in her hands, "How's everything going?".

Bey'on who was used to this by now started to update him on her progress.

"So far I managed to do what you asked me. I gave them a bipedal form whilst also allowing them to change back to their natural forms when they want! Their intelligence was also greatly enhanced!" She was proud of her work, her enthusiasm is obvious from her tone.

Looking at the two in their pods after hearing her work, he was greatly amused by her progress with his two pets. Seeing only one more thing to achieve, his eyes briefly glowed bluish platinum as he went into their minds and impart information on the numerous languages he can speak whilst reinforcing their core personality for better development in the near future.

As one last addition, he added them to the mental link he and Bey'on shared to make communication simpler in the long run.

"Great work!" Kissing her on the cheek, he let her go and walked closer to the two pods, placing his hand on each as he channeled some of his energy into them to further enhance them. Starting with Tiger, his fur changed from his dark purple scheme to a more white and black variant. Ego's appearance changed to almost the same degree, his skin tone went from the original darkish green to a more red color as his carapace thickened and his body grew in mass.

Taking his hands from the pods and standing back, Spencer looked impressed by his upgrades and made his way out of the lab.

"I'll see you later!" Giving Bey'on the usual goodbye gesture before leaving the lab, earning him a slightly irritated sigh.

Walking out of the lab, he was immediately notified by the bioship of their near arrival to the planet, he flickered from the hallway.


Entering the cockpit of the ship, he was met with a screen showing their rapid approach to the destination, the label that was displayed was Krypton. Spencer briefly read the data given on the planet, then he brushed the screen aside and watched as a tear in space ahead of the ship could be seen, signaling their imminent expulsion from the warp space.

Slowly powering down the warp drive and going through the breach, the ship appeared in front of a brown and green schemed planet orbiting a large red star. The planet was surrounded by 4 beautiful moons that Spencer took a few moments to admire.

Bringing his attention more on the planet, the ship violently shook as it was hit with something, subtly affecting everyone on the ship. Quickly looking around him, Spencer spotted numerous battleships around the planet.

"The fuck is going on?" He swiftly surrounded his ship in an energy barrier as he watched what transpired before him.