Chapter 91

(AN: Hello guys/gals!

I wanted to wait until we have a bit more content ready over at to be able to entice you to come over and enjoy the lots of extra benefits as well! Still, I just couldn't stand the silence any longer, but in return allow me to give you the sales pitch. I know it's annoying but recent events have forced my hand, and after all the sh*t that 2021 was for me and my family especially, I really need some light. :)

Anyway, here goes (if you still wish to skip it, relax I can't and will not force you. Just search for the same symbol you see below. It marks the end of my rant and the beginning of the much-awaited chapter.)


For early access to future chapters ('in-work' ones as well as bonus, exclusive content to all my current and future works, please consider visiting my P@treon at

Benefits include (but are not limited to):

>> Read up way ahead of the curve (All the way to Chapter 93 and 94, which is still in the making!) We are constantly working to provide more and more chapters ready, but please understand that each one has way more work put into them than most other authors do. I'm talking about days, weeks in some cases!

>> Extra bonus material, side content, side chapters WITH ILLUSTRATIONS!

A 3 part Side Story featuring Spencer's Kingdom, with the siblings, Castor, Hopi, and Yurok at its very center! With a sprinkle of Atlantian scheming added to the mix, this almost 10K words long 3-part story promises you a great time!

Synopsis for Turmoil in the Kingdom:

"When Spencer returns to Earth from his long venture throughout the cosmos he finds that the beloved Kingdom he had left behind are up in flames. A great war have wreaked havoc in the peaceful paradise he had created.

He arrived just in time to save Castor, the most precious little treasure, the young girl who had now blossomed into a grown woman. As she is healed of her injuries, Spencer dives into his memories to understand what exactly had happened whilst he braved the vast universe...

A large, 3 part side story entailing everything that had gone on, and eventually led to the same disaster, the hellish landscape Spencer was greeted with. "

Compiled into a nifty PDF and EPUB (E-book reader) format, you can enjoy this large more than 20-page long side content that fits perfectly in between Chapter 91 and 92. :)

>> Nifty PDF format for each chapter/complete volume!

>> Compiled E-Book (formatted to fit the standard Android/Samsung screens but if there's a need I can convert it to other screens as well) when a volume is completed!

>> Write your story/character idea and have it featured (more details on Patreon)!

Your support is what would allow me to be able to pursue this avenue to be a better writer/author and provide even more content!)





Responding to the blaring alarms that resounded through the bio-ship upon arriving at their designated planet, Spencer warped the space around him and instantly appeared into the seat of the Mortifier. Addressing his scanners, his eyes lit up.

"What the hell is this!"

Residing above the atmosphere of the Earth, the planet he had left not too long ago on his journey to power, the anticipation he held for returning to his kingdom was swiftly overcome by a feeling of shock and awe at what greeted his arrival. His brow twitching in the growing annoyance that swelled within him at the most unexpected sight.

Right before his eyes gazed on the vessel's external cameras, nothing but chaos came into view across a massive portion of his kingdom; houses decimated and set ablaze, his people hoisted on spikes, the streets riddled with howls of suffering and blood-drenched corpses as far a the eye could see.

He was absolutely baffled. To the point of gripping the hard light-constructed screen before him until it shattered, simply for it to reform to show the same scene it had before, re-establishing the reality of the situation.

Within his sharply growing distaste for what he was witnessing, he vigorously rose from his seat and warped back to Bey'ons lab, frightening her as his unexpected reentry wasn't as peaceful as his previous warps through the fabric space.

"What did I say abo…" ready to voice her complaints due to almost dropping the vial in her hand once again from being startled, she failed to finish, a shiver running down her spine as her eyes locked onto his, the cold annoyance visible within them catching her off guard.

Taking a step back, she avoided eye contact. "Are you o…".

"Stay on the ship… I'll be right back." His voice subtly shaking the room, it reverberated through her.

"Oh.. okay.."

Receiving her startled reply, he vanished from the room and re-appeared in the cold expanse of space outside the massive ship. Looking down at his burning kingdom from outside the atmosphere of the planet, he accelerated towards the planet with what restraint he could muster, as to not destroy the planet upon reentry.

"Let's see who's the piece of shit that dares attacking MY kingdom!"


The battle raging on, both sides had suffered significant losses from the violent clash that progressed, neither having the right to proclaim that said losses may somehow turn out to be worth it. But regardless, they raged on to ensure the envisioning of their goals, whatever that may be.

But one side was at a clear disadvantage.

Cornered, desperate, and outnumbered, one side had their backs against the wall as they fought for their lives.

"Fall back!" Launching themselves into the air, a feminine silhouette carrying long black braided hair and lightly tanned skin manifested a green aura that was then channeled into a massive green sphere of energy. Releasing this sphere of energy towards the opposition, it promptly detonated upon contact, releasing an immense amount of force and heat that massacred a large portion of the group before eventually dissipating into the air.

Leaving the attacking group disoriented, the figure landed in the middle of the crowd with both arms and hands outstretched.

Steeling themselves before making a fist and pulling their arms in, prompting green streams of energy to rapidly exit the bodies of the surrounding enemy soldiers. Their physical conditions visibly weakening as their bodies shriveled into mear husks.

All these streams of energy converging around this individual, they were swiftly absorbed into them, causing their eyes to emulate the same green glow.

"Do not leave any of these traitors alive!"

Recommencing the attack, the figure and their troops went on to finish off the remainder of the enemies that were still alive. Quickly dispatching what was left over from the attack, the troops took a moment to gather their numbers before reporting to their leader.

"My lady, less than half of us are accounted for…"

Giving a brief tally of those that remained, the soldier and those that could still fight gathered.

"Enemy soldiers are rapidly approaching our location! We need to retreat!"

"This battle could have been won without this many casualties if most of our soldiers had not abandoned us for that treacherous bastard!" Kicking the corpse of one of the enemy soldiers in frustration, the woman turned to face the direction she sensed multiple disturbances from.

Picking up a sword from one of the many corpses sprawled around her, she channeled her energy to coat the blade in the same green aura as her body.

"I will hold them off till we can evacuate all the people! Go find Rose and Mishka to heal the wounded."

Charging towards where she sensed the incoming threat whilst brandishing her blade, she soon came into contact with another group of soldiers attacking the citizens she swore to protect.

Releasing an arch of energy by slashing the air, the torso's of the nearest enemy soldier's were severed with ease, garnering the attention of the other assailants. Releasing a rending storm of slashes, those on the receiving end held no chance of retaliation.

"Bastards! I will send every last one of you to an early grave!" separating the head of a soldier from their shoulders, she ruthlessly massacred as many of them as she could.

Furiously swinging her blade with oozing bloodlust, dozens of soldiers lost their lives in her fury.

Sending her energy through the soil, the ground beneath the enemy's feet violently rumbled, throwing her many opponents off balance and presenting her with many openings. Taking advantage of the predicament befalling them, her aura converged at the tip of her extended index finger, spiraling into a marble-sized beam.

Dodging several projectiles fired upon her, she returned the favor in the form of a concentrated laser esque beam of energy, piercing through several targets with ease as she sprung around the battlefield.

Inevitably growing fatigued from the external release of her power, her breathing grew erratic from the strain her body was placed under. Spontaneously erecting an energy barrier, she blocked a massive boulder that threatened to crush her without warning.


Creating distance between herself and the enemies before her, a stone wall was erected behind her to limit her movements. Simultaneously, before she could even react, a trident composed of a blue stone esque material impaled her in the thigh, causing her to grit her teeth in pain and fall to her knees.


Having no time to revel in the pain that assaulted her, she erected a secondary barrier before she was engulfed by a torrent of blue flames, soon accompanied by a rain of spikes from the sky.

Blocking what she could, she attempted to create more distance than she did previously, but not without suffering a few injuries on the way.

Fighting against the various other attacks that bombarded her aura shield, her struggle became evident as she could no longer get to her feet, signaling the enemy soldiers to continue their assault.

Not seeing many options presenting themselves in her desperation, she decided to take a risk she didn't think she would ever have to. Gathering what remains of the power within her, a golden ball of energy formed within her trembling palm, life fading from her eyes subsequent to its formation.

"Only death awaits you all!"


Entering the troposphere as a red streak in the sky, Spencer came to an abrupt stop as he spontaneously canceled his momentum in response to the sight below. A considerably large explosion came into view with his refined visual capabilities, his head rang with searing pain as a link in his mind waned.

"Impossible!" A frightening realization befell him.

No longer restraining himself, he tore through the remaining atmosphere of the planet in an instant, leaving behind a void of empty space in the sky. Landing like a comet at the epicenter of the explosion, a casual wave of his hand cleared the shroud of glowing dust that acted as the residue from the event.

Scanning the area, he vanished and reappeared next to a heavily damaged body burned beyond recognition, visibly missing an arm and hardly considered alive from the life signature he was sensing.

Kneeling down and bringing her into a heartfelt embrace, his hand glowed a gentle blue hue as he placed it on her chest, her skin completely regenerating on the area of contact at an accelerated rate, gradually spreading until the entirety of her body was engulfed in a gentle blue light.

Fully restored, her missing arm regenerated perfectly in an instant, along with all damage that had previously afflicted her body.

Now holding her rejuvenated figure in his arms, a smile crept itself across his face as he smothered her in a hug, all of the anxiety he had just felt evaporating from his body as held her in his arms.

"I'm back… just like I promised…"