Chapter 93

Examining the subject of his attention and rage, Spencer firmly grasped the floating orb of light before him, momentarily synchronizing his reign over life and death to torment the soul he had just separated from its now destroyed body. Shrieks of pain that could only be perceived by him blared from the metaphysical orb that violently flickered in his presence, slowly losing its luster under the torment of Spencer's anger.

Manifesting a spark of energy in his available palm, he honed his focus to condense it into a pendant composed of an unknown material. Infusing the soul into the pendant, several dozen multicolored runes lit up across its surface, permanently sealing the soul of Yurok in perpetual darkness, forbidden from entering the planes of life or death, simply roaming in a prison of void.

"You will be left to suffer for as long as this pendant remains intact. Maybe for all eternity for all I care." Shoving the pendant in his pocket and paying it no further attention, he levitated into the air.

"Now to find these Atlanteans that dared to attack my kingdom…"

Giving focus to the location of Atlantis he had acquired from Yarok's mind, Spencer prepared himself to warp to said location, bending the space around him as ripples engulfed his figure, though a contrary to his previous instances of bending space to his whim, a black haze instantly engulfed his body the moment he jumped through space.

Teleporting to what he believed would be Atlantis, he was shocked to find himself in a place he had not seen before; a realm devoid of all light, sound, or signs of life other than his own.

Examining the space around him, he expanded his sensory capabilities to their maximum in an attempt to grasp where he could possibly be. But no matter how far through space, time, or reality his mind traveled, he was left with nothing. An absolute lack of everything in all directions.

Looking around in confusion, he grew cautious of the possibilities of how he could be in a place such as this.

"Where is this?" Left with nothing but confusion, Spencer made various other attempts to escape this plane of existence; returning to his unrestricted form as a star-sized entity of pure destructive power, attempting to bend reality, and even resorting to using his dominion over time, space, matter, and reality to shatter numerous dimensions.

All attempts inevitably proved to be fruitless despite his efforts.

After what felt like hours, a luminescent vein appeared on his forehead as he gritted his teeth, his hands clenching in anger as he reared his fist behind him, contorting his body as he leaned until his fist nearly touched the ground behind him.

Tapping into all the metaphysical orbs within his body, his muscles bulged and writhed grotesquely as he soaked his fist with all the strength he could muster.

"Let me out, dammit!"

Rising and thrusting his fist forward, a rapidly expanding explosion subsequently followed a crack that formed from his strike hitting the space in its path.

Though the effects of the explosion gradually dissipated and allowed the space to return to darkness, leaving him standing with a blank expression, growing angrier with each passing second, his demeanor stiffened whilst he closed his eyes to collect himself.

In the middle of regulating himself to remain in control, his body shuddered as he felt a presence behind him, an overwhelming presence that immediately alerted him.

Jumping back in surprise, a shadowy figure that blended nearly perfectly with the world around him came into view.

"Who are you supposed to be?". Feeling a sharp pain in his chest after addressing the strange silhouette, dark blue luminescent tattoos etched themselves on his upper torso.

Examining Spencer, the being spoke in a powerful tone, its voice echoing throughout the void. "I shall acknowledge your strength, young new god. Your spread and control over Death is impressive."

Looking up at the figure in confusion, Spencer attempted to inquire once again about who the or she could be. Though before he could speak, he was spoken over.

"Think of my mark as a gift… But also as a warning."

An unseeable force dragged him closer before he could react, bringing him face to face with the shadowy entity, unable to put up any resistance

"The more you tamper with death, the more death tampers with you in return." Showing a horrific smile, the entity pushed Spencer through an opening in the void.

Before he knew it, he appeared in the same location he was previously, no time seeming to have passed as the wildlife that resided around him remained unmoving. Only just springing to life as he looked around, somewhat distraught from the experience.

Choosing to not address the matter of what had just transpired, he gently examined the newly formed tattoos on his body for a moment, but seeing as it posed no momentary issues and imposed no restrictions on his capabilities despite his concerns of it doing so, he left it be and returned to his original goal.

Turning to face the direction of Atlantis, Spencer quickly grew conflicted at warping space to get to his destination, hoping to avoid appearing in that strange dark realm again. Instead, choosing to lightly kick off the air and launch himself forward at a speed that would allow him to get there as fast as possible without tearing away the planet's atmosphere.


Eventually arriving after a moment of cutting through the air, he levitated over an island in the middle of the ocean, no other landmasses visible for miles.

Observing the city below that resided on the island, his mind wandered to a similar sight he had seen on his adventures on Mars. Sensing the thousands of lives that resided there, he watched the seemingly carefree citizens from above, his attention focused on the advanced technologies and other services they could provide for his people. Though he was quickly reminded of the vastly more advanced technology in his grasp.

Concluding that they pose no purpose, his cold gaze only solidified as a marble of energy condensed on his pointed index finger.

Releasing the energy marble, he watched as it slowly descended towards the city. "They won't all be wiped out, but just enough to not pose a threat". Though whilst the attack drew near, he was met by another unwanted surprise.

The very ocean rushed to the city's rescue, an incomprehensibly large veil of seawater taking the full brunt of the blast. Seeing the massive wave protect the city left Spencer intrigued by this development.

Shortly after, a silhouette engulfed in water could be seen ascending from the ocean in a rising vortex of water, eventually reaching its height in the sky. Hovering in front of him, he took a closer look at the figure.

Having the appearance of a bearded older man with lightly tanned skin, blanketed with only a toga laced with hints of gold, the individual also boasted a golden armband, but most notably, a three-pronged trident laced with runes and a few precious gems that subtly added to its luster.

A quick examination led him to come to only one conclusion.

"Poseidon?" Tilting his head in a moment of wonder, his lips immediately curved into a smile at the sight of one of the Olympian gods appearing before him.

Being addressed by an unfamiliar entity, the God of all seas, waters and even earthquakes Poseidon raised a brow

"And who might you be?"

"Don't worry too much about that…also, you can tell those two to come out of hiding, I can see them."

With squinted eyes and a subtle nod, two figures appeared behind Spencer from a shroud of mist.

With a deep sigh, he observed the two that appeared.

"That's better."

Behind him stood a man with gold eyes, long brown hair, and rough stubbles on his face, his lightly tanned chest remaining exposed from him only wearing a dress-like cloth to cover his lower regions. Beside him stood a woman boasting the same coloration of eyes with black hair instead of brown, her skin having a paler hue than the man next to her.

Eyeing the duo, something instantly caught his attention. His senses notified him of four heartbeats around him, despite only three people being present.

Coming to a realization, he had to make sure before he proceeded with his revenge.

"Are you pregnant?"

Caught off guard seeing Spencer stare at his companion's stomach, the man swiftly moved in front of her to block Spencer's view. That simple action was all he needed to confirm his suspicions.

Heaving a heavy sigh, he looked to the sky filled with doubt as to whether he should continue.

Taking advantage of this moment of confliction, Poseidon rushed in with his trident pointed at Spencer, the water below him rising into multiple tendrils that threatened to engulf him. Following Poseidon's lead, the duo behind him initiated their attack.

The man of the two glowing dimly as dozens of runes on his arms lit up, the water below him swiftly rose to his aid, converging around him to form various weapons. Next to him, his pregnant companion hurled balls of fire at Spencer in rapid succession, painting the sky crimson as an explosion of steam escaped on the moment of contact whilst the two opposing elements clashed with him at its center.

Adding to the sequence of attacks, the man sent out a rain of countless ice daggers into the cloud of steam.

"Majistra, my love! Let me push forward alone. Prioritize your and our child's safety! I do not wish for the little one or you to be harmed." Addressing his companion, the man sent out another arc of ice whilst Poseidon did the same though at a much larger scale.

"I know Calculha, but my duty is also to the city of Atlantis. It has its risks, but it must be done." Her words were accompanied by a sharp rise in the surrounding area's temperature, her body generating an immense amount of heat that was quickly converted into a red beam from her palm.

Barrage after barrage, the trio held their positions whilst staying on guard.

After their attacks had ceased and the cloud of steam from opposing elements clashing shortly dissipated, Spencer had once again come into view, remaining completely unharmed by the storm of attacks that assaulted him.

Still looking at the sky as if pondering, he snapped back to reality.

Waving his hand, he teleported Majistra and Calculha in front of him, while aslo successfully restraining them both with a cosmic energy field.

"I don't know what else to do at this point…" increasing the pressure on Calculha's body, breaking a few bones in the process, he then placed Majistra unconscious without much resistance.

"Bey'on could use you two as experiments, that baby might also come in handy."

The two both falling unconscious, Spencer placed his focus on the fatigued Poseidon, who happened to break through his restraints rather easily.

"Such childish tricks cant hold me!" Sweeping his trident across the sky in Spencer's direction, the ocean followed its lead and attempted to pull the assailar, Spencer down from the sky. Though things didn't go exactly as planned.

Poseidon's very domain turned against him in an instant, Spencer utilizing his connection to the elements to seize control of the ocean waters around him. Negating a considerable portion of Poseidon's power.

"You're not the only one who can bend the oceans at your leisure, old man!"

His hand flickering from existence before reappearing, Poseidon's spear appeared in his grasp, along with his arm. Separating the spear from the arm, Spencer consumed it, much to the disgust and shock of Poseidon. Though he soon regenerated the missing limb using the water around him.

"What exactly are you? Why have you come?"

Ignoring his questions, Spencer twirled the trident around in a playful manner, causing anomalies in the world's oceans; rising tides, tsunamis, vortexes, etc, numerous disasters began to appear across the world, only to come to a sudden stop.

Growing frustrated from his antics, Poseidon quickly closed the distance between them "Give that ba-!".

In the middle of his attempts to regain his trident, he was rewarded with said trident impaling him through the chest.

Appearing behind him, Spencer gently placed his hands on the sides of his head. "You can take it with you to the afterlife!". Twisting his head off in one swift motion, he crushed the Olympians head between his fingers, covering himself in the now deceased god's blood and brain matter.

"Now that that's over with…" flashing the blood from his hands, he heaved a sigh and brought his attention to the city below him. Outstretching his palm, a powerful light engulfed the entirety of Atlantis.

"An eye for an eye!" Destroying the supports of the continent with a light handed push, he watched as the massive city slowly began to tremble and sank. The screams of countless atlanteans assaulting his senses for only a moment before being replaced by the background noise of the ocean.

Having completed his mission, he turned his attention to the two powerful atlanteans he rendered unconscious.

"Now…Hmmm, what should I do with you two…"

Before he could ponder his choices, his eyes widened in shock as he instantly warped away with the two Atlanteans.