Take No Prisoners

Today my old squad led under Galland now, are making our way into the city. Routine run, nothing too serious to worry about. We do not foresee any resistance, only a lot of stranded civilians.

Now there is the majority of the boys that are finding this unnerving due to the amount of Marines that have been killed recently. My advice, keep your head in the game; when they get confronted, then we deal with it then. No need to foreseeing the worse if it is not going to happen.

So after we have geared up, we get into the Humvee and make our way away from the camp towards the city. It is ominous; the black smoke lay thick from the tires that have been burnt. The road seems eerily quiet with not a lot of civilians around. This is going to be a quick run-through, and then we are out again

…Isabella POV…