The Depth Of Stupidity

I am standing over a rather confused Caylee. Now I am not sure if she is confused because of the way that I have left her breathless and panting or if I have just caught her out on her lie. I am firmly leaning to the latter. So as I wait patiently for her to dress, I play a hundred scenarios in my head of house this can go. Well, if I think if this was going to be a difficult interrogation, she does surprise me.

"The name is Caylee, Raider, with direct orders from the Chief."

"What are you doing here?"

"You have a mole in your camp."

"Yes, that I know."

"Fuck, why did you not just ask me before you seduced me?"

"You seduced me."

"So you return the favor?"

I only but chuckle at her, but this is raising an issue, and god, not that one that was thinking with his fucking head. The issue is, how do the boys at Pendleton know?

"How do you know about this, I mean the guys back home?"