One's Loss Another's Gain

There is a dead darkness that settles over my heart as I hear the echo of a voice come from behind me.

I have let my guard down for a second; for a second, I let my pain get the better of me. One moment of weakness will be my downfall. I knew that I should not have come on this mission. There is a war raging out there, but there is an even bigger war raging in my heart. I cannot fight both, and I was foolish to think that I could.

So as I hear the rumble of a voice come from behind me, I have only one thing to do, and that is turn around and face what will be my end today. And it is with slow agony that I do so. Each little scuffle my feet make, I prepare myself for what awaits me. Will it be a gun to my head, or will it be a knife to the chest. Whichever way, I truly do not think that any pain can be worse than the one that I am already feeling deep within my soul.