The Battle

"What are you doing here?"

But then as if with utmost flawlessness, the real click clack that I was waiting for makes her grand entrance. She does come dressed for the part and taken by her tight black body suit. I would be foolish if I for one second believe that she comes in here peace. It seems the very thing I truly expected her to have forgotten by now, has now most certainly snuck up, and as they would say, it has come to bite me in the ass.

But I must say I am still very intrigued.

"What are you doing here?"

Yet she does not say a word.

"Have you gone death? What are you doing here?"

"I do request that you shall show me some respect. After all, I am the one that have you tied up."

But then next, there is a face that steps out from behind her, a face that I thought I would never see. "Oaky, now what the fuck are you doing here."