A Pleasant Surprise

We have not been able to find Caylee, but as per news from Matty, they have found Mark. Between the three of them, they came up with a plan to wrong the people whom they believe that wrong them. Well, what one hell of a wicked plan, if you may ask me.

Now the last time I have spoken to Isabella, she was still very much taken aback by the great ordeal that has happened to her.

Well, today I have a surprise for her. It took a lot of string, but I finally got the big man at the top to let me step away for but a brief moment. Now nobody expects me to know, of course, for I know that my dear mother can not keep her dear old mouth any more quiet than Betty.

So it is with very hesitant steps that I finally step in front of the door that I have a grave to be for too many nights now.

But from inside, I only hear her grunt and curse underneath her breath, "I told you goddam people that I do not have anything else to say."