The Dining Hall II

11:01am Wednesday, School Compound, Royal Hearts College.

If there was anything which could be scarier than what was going on now, then Sam had absolutely no idea what that could be. Of course, they could put the consideration of the CTI among their top list but then what he had was just dream and if there was anything which he had come to know, it was that dreams could be rather misleading. That did not mean he would not table the matter to the others when the time came. After all, there had to be something in the dream that Bolanle had transmitted to them which could be rather useful to them, could they not?


Sam brain fired at him.

Less thinking more running. They had to make it to the dinning hall and then from here, eb able to get more reinforcement that would help out.

Sam hated that he would have to depend on others to do the things which he could do, that as why he often never did stop thinking, not once. Not ever.

The moment he would stop thinking, is the moment when he would be of no use to the whole house. And Order of Natural Selection, he would be weeded out. It was only but a normal thing that would happen, after all, the more primitive specie of humans had been weeded out by the others. It would only be a function of nature if the others would soon no longer want anything to do with him. Just because he did not have any ability on him.

So therefore. It was rather hard for him to stop thinking. Looking to his side, by his right as his legs went double time, he observed Tolu. The latter was racing, which did not go well with him considering that he had two shopping bags in his hands as he raced. Unlike him who was with just a large camping bag, Tolu was not that athletic. He was among the lot of those Wh would just come to school for the sake of academics and nothing else. Unlike him, who had not only been into academics but also into sports and had thus built his athletic build.

However, now that the whole world had gone bunkers, Tolu with his own power burst would have better chances of living that he would have. His own safety came form others but Tolu, he could very much protect himself and be accepted by the others which could not be said for him.

Sam sniffed, letting himself take in the dust laden airs as the screeches of the monsters went higher in volumes. The ground quaked and oftentimes, the pungent smell of a monster would erode the air that they breath forcing them to hold their breath for a while.

However, none of that was a bother being that the monsters were really no that attracted to them. They were more after the cause of the mini dust storms out there, far behind them.

“Do you think she would be okay?” Sam asked.

The reason why they had made it this far through the building was because there was Divine out there, covering for them.

“I don’t know.” Tolu said, huffing. “And frankly, I could careless about her.”

“No!” Sam cut in. “Don’t talk like that. You don’t know… I mean, everyone is important if we are to survive this.”

“Well, maybe we have been doing just fine without Divine. I mean, what spell ahs she fed you with?” Tolu stopped short of the running and turned to glare at Sam. “You saw her, you saw what’s eh did to me. You aw everything and yet, it seemed like you could not just let go of her.”

“Don’t talk like that.” Sam retorted. “You do know that I tried to sop her, right? I did try but…”

“But what? You were afraid to get on her bad side? That’s why you’re out here defending her?” Tolu swallowed.

“Look, if you think she is a monster. then why do you think she is giving us a chance now?” Sam pointed to the back.

They had come some way past the pavilion, losing sight of where Divine was. The monsters had bee the only sign that there was anything out there in the field, due to their screeching and stampedes. Where they were now was just the walkway intersection between the library building and the main administrative block/block of classroom which was directly in front of the school gate. However, this provided some issue as one who was out there beside the school fence could just easily get to the walkway through the block which led to the library doors, and of course, in this situation, Tolu and Sam.

“I don’t know, Sam.” Tolu gave a disappointed look, shaking his head. ” When did this become about Divine? I thought we all wanted to make sure that Angela was fine?”

“Of course.” Sam looked at the ground, his pupils moving form place to place. “Of course, yes.”

“Then why do you bother about a girl who has unlimited usage of her powers over another one who doesn’t? When did Divine become so important to you?”


A loud roar broke through the discussion the duo was having. Sam and Tolu shivered just then as monster spittle splashed onto their faces, their heads turning to the front. Where a monster was glaring them down, its tongue flickering out like it had come upon some delicious candy.

Which of course was true. Sam and Tolu were just right in the spot for it.

The monster crept in closer, greenish reptilian skin glistening with the morning light. It had some sort of luminescence on it while its tail curled all the way to the back like some sort of belt or sorts. Its eyes dilated now.

“Now, w-what d-do we do?” Tolu stammered.

Sam swallowed now, at loss of words or thoughts at the moment.

“Well. if we…” He tried to think out fast.

Except he was not fast enough. The monster had grown tired of waiting.

SWOOOSHHHHHHHHHH!!!! The monster dashed out forward, stretching out its two forelimbs as if in readiness to hug them. However, just when it close in, wind stirred and the monster slipped, its head ramming in straight for the ground.


It roared out in frustration, Sam and Tolu standing at the either side of it, completely shaken and trembling.

“Well, are you going to move or what?” A voice called, breaking the two from their shock and surprise.

Sam gasped. Tolu sighed and the monster jerked its head up, a hint of dizziness rocking it such that it fell down to the ground again. And just then, a suddenness overtook Sam and Tolu as their hands were pulled forward in a blink.

“TEGGGAAAAA!” They cried out, blitzing through the air as the figure of Tegan busted out in speed, like a bullet, his hands tightly clamped to their wrists.

“You know, you guys should not have to argue outside like that. Its dangerous.” Angela smirked at them, the moment Tega stopped running. “You were too loud and thankfully, my brother was able to get to you in time.”

Angela stood up while Tega went down on his knees, gasping and lurching for breath. It was however Sam and Tolu’s time to be surprised.

“Wait, he is your brother” The duo chanted out in unison.

The environment had changed. They were no longer in the library area but now were at the same spot where Angela at stayed with her brother from earlier. The four of them staying between the container tuck-shop and the block of the ICT library to the either side.

“T-there is… the-there.. is n-no time for that. W-we ne-need to go!” Tega gasped out, rising to his feet.

“Yes, but…”

“But who is that?” Angela interrupted Sam.

She was looking out from the edge of the tuck shop, watching the scuffle going on out there. Tega moved in and then squinted his eyes, watching as well s the monster all rushed out to one central point, a cloud of dust moving onwards but slowly across the field.

“What is that/” Angela asked.

“We don’t have time. We need to get this out there.” Tolu interjected before Sam could say a thing.

Just then, the air cleared for a bit, revealing the blood lusted face of the one who was in the midst of all that dust storm. It was Divine and from the strain on her face, they could all tell that she was beginning to have a hard time there.

Divine yelped suddenly as a tail lurched for her back, slamming her into the ground. However, the very next instant, she slammed her hands into the ground, exploding a concussive force that rocketed her into the air. Just in time for several claws to rake down into where she was before. And then with another yelp, she arched herself, throwing her right arm forward like she was throwing a volley, a massive concussion force blasting out to the ground, the force of it scattering the monsters in an explosion.

“She helped us get out of there.” Sam said as he joined to peek. “Myself and Tolu. We should totally get toy there to help her too.”

“I don’t know. Looks like she got it under control.” Angela mumbled.

“she does not.” Sam put in. “We need to help her.” He added with desperation.

“We can’t. Tega is gassed out. I don’t know but my power stopped working and I would be dead if Tega hadn’t come. If we go there, we will die because, one, you two have bags to slow you down. And two, if we die, will we be content knowing that the bags of resources you too went to get never got to the dinning hall?” Angela said, fiercely looking Sam in the eyes.

Sam swallowed, sucking in air now as he nodded. “I get it. To the dinning hall.”

“Some sacrifices have to be made, Sam. And whether we like it not, that is the way things would be from now on.” Angela said, her memory replaying the same very moment when Sylvester was gobbled up by the monster, allowing her a fraction of time to get out of the car for her life.

“I-I can try…” Tega rose a hand into the air now. “I can go there and snatch her out…”

“No, Tega. I can’t lose you…” Angela blurted out.

“I know.” He smiled back to her as she hugged him tight. “I don’t intend to go slow.”

“N-no..” Angela groaned out just as the air wheezed and Tega was gone.

She rushed out to view the field when she saw him moving faster than her eyes could track towards the oncoming dust storm that was encircled by several monsters.

“Okay!” Angela turned, taking a breath in. “We have to make this worth it.” She muttered and then tore out into the field, running for as much as her legs would allow. Sam and Tolu followed suit, tagging behind her due to the weight of the bags that they had on now.

However, as they ran, they closed into the space between them and the Dining Hall, their feet racing pitter patter against the dust laden soil. And soon enough, their feet crossed into the balcony, the double doors of the dining Hall opening to admit them in now.

“Ha!” A gust of wind exploded while Monsters screeched out in the field. Just when the doors began to close, Tega half dragged, half carried Divine in, losing his own footing as he rolled over the ground, way past the trio who entered earlier.