Chopper Ambush

12:32pm, Wednesday Afternoon. Royal Hearts College.

Multiple blasts resonated through the distance. It sounded far away from the school but the roars of monsters, attracted to the sounds, almost seemed to drown them out.

The reptilian creatures who were, once upon a time, human beings were largely attracted to large sounds. It aggravated them.

And hearing the loud blasts here and there had irked them off. As a result, they were out there, running and stepped wing trying to get for e source of the noises.

However it was all but a ruse. A ruse brought up by the cargo chopper flying over head. The rescue chopper by the CTI, led by the Rarsearvh and Develoment Officer, Tayo.

The students in the hall froze at the sounds. No sooner had they heard the blasts going off did they hear the unwelcome sounds of the monsters echoing out in the distance. Normally, this would bring them some level of comfort.

After all, their number one archenemy were leaving them alone. But not when the next sounds they heard was the sound of a chopper sounding ever so near. It was like the last time the CTI had come.

And like the last time, they had come in helicopters. Cold sweat broke out in multiple students in the hall as they shivered involuntarily. They looked to Sam, wondering what would happen next.

He was just giving out his speech about the dream Bolanle and projected to him. Sam swallowed.

While he knew that it was the actual thing, he had not expected this to actually happen. At least, not when they were still in the hall.

Now, everyone seemed to look to him, wondering what next would happen.

If he had not spoken, they would have all rushed to the fields, ready to welcome the CTI and board the chopper. But now, not after why he had said.

Everyone was terrified. In need of leadership.

Normally, This would have been cool to him. He would have stepped up, telling them what to do. But these were not normal times.

What if he was wrong? What if the CTI was actually here to save them and not do some crazy experiments? What if he was all wrong and the dram he thought he had was only simply because of his thoughts?

That he had been paranoid of late. Ever since Bolanle and the others had left them in the school, leaving the leadership of the rest of the school in his hands.

Maybe he was only being scared, after all, all the leaders in the school system who had been of help to them had turned into monsters as well.

He heaved, his head spinning with numerous thoughts. The sounds of the chopper drew closer and closer. His head spun, his eyes closing and opening, still unable to come to any decision.

The CTI was made up of soldiers. How could they ever have the hope of stopping them from taking them?

“A-Sam? “ Angela’s voice broke into his thoughts. “We are all waiting for you.”

“What do we do?” Someone asked other than his friend.

“Yes, what do we do?” Another voice called now. There and then, multiple voices began to ring out, each one of them asking for what to do.

The truth he had had dumped on them was simply too big for them to take. For several days, they had nursed the idea of them being rescued and now that the dream was actually a reality, there was Sam telling them not to go.

The same Sam who had kept them safe all this while. His guidance Had been what had kept them safe and whilst being glued with their loyalty to him, they knew they could not just pass up on the help out there.

“You need to tell them what to do?” Someone said.

“What do we do, boss?” Safe asked, holding a dirty white handkerchief bleached red with blood to his mouth. “Tell us.”

“You need tk talk.”

“If we have to don’t do anything, the CTI would come for us.” A agitated voice called out.

“Yeah! I don’t want to be lab rat.” Someone called out, the voice a whimper.

Then it dawned on Sam.

The people were scared. And he had just shattered their hope of rescue in their face. His heart went on double beats now as he watched them, each one looking expectantly to him.

He could not just tell then what they believed and held on to was wrong and yet not provide a way out of it. It would be unfair to them.

Now, he had to make sure that he held the forte. At least, for the fact that he shattered their belief in their face. If they believed him, then he had to Mae it worth their while.

“Guys, listen, I have a plan.” Sam said, although his voice shook.

With his hands in the air, he began to talk, uttering out the ideas that had already birthed in his head. It was a wild shot but it could work.

He was surrounded by people who believed in him. People who wanted to be safe and free and from being dinner and lab rats. This has to work because everyone was banking on it.

Meanwhile, outside the hall. The chopper began tk circle, seeking a place to land. Eventually it settled down for patch of empty land which was field.

The football field of the Royal Hearts College was not entirely empty. It had some vehicles, overturned and shattered here and there. But for most parts of it, apart form the usual debris, it was a safe zone for a chopper to land.

Or at least, come close enough for them to find a clearing. Close enough for the soldiers to begin dropping down by the ropes.

“Students and survivals of this school and beyond, please listen, the CTI is here to save you. Kindly come out of your hiding places and embrace your hope.” The loudspeaker in the chopper boomed out.

And just as it echoed, the dinning door opened, the students pouring out. Inside, Tayo exhaled, wiping off his face. He watched the screen, a smile braking out in his half human face as he watched the students come out.

“I knew this would work.” He exhaled now only to gasp.

For right in the screen display, the students did not look like they were here to be rescued.

They came for war.

Soldiers in their black combat suits, stil on the ropes began to drop down like flies. The cause of it, being a girl with a menacing look.

A girl who kept on firing what looked like semi transparent bolts of energy form her hands. Her dentition bared out as she jogged towards the field.

Outside the chopper, the handful of students roared out, rushing out to the environs of the field. The most of them went towards the pavilion which was a long way from the dining hall. But they went there all the same, since Sam, Angela, Divine and Tolu were headed there.

It was only natural to them that they went with who could save them or could provide natural leadership. Although the rest of them had remained in the dinning hall.

“Kindly desist from attacking the soldiers. They are here to rescue you.” The loud speaker boomed out once again even as the chopper hovered.

Already bolts of energy rocketed towards the chopper, tipping it from side to side, the source of it being Divine as she stood on the topmost layer of the pavilion. Beads of sweat dropped down her face as she spun her hands, spinning out more bolts to the soldiers and the students.

The plan was simple. Keep the chopper from landing. She was a pivotal point in it all. And she was heck as determined not to fail them.

“If you do not stop, we would unleash fire on those who are responsible.” The speaker boomed out again.

At this, the clicking off of several safety locks ricocheted on the field, coming from the soldiers who were already on the ground. They pointed their weapons towards Divine, all of them ready to fire.

Except that just when their fingers pulled the triggers, wind swooshed. space distorted before them in an instant. Several gasps echoing from them as they each felt a tug at their hands.

Looking down, their eyes widened, mouth hanging as their guns were gone.


The culprit being a boy in a green and white Jersey, panting with his hands to his knees.

And behind him, several guns were piled up.

It was Tega.

Sam smiled to the Tega, giving him a nod. Things weee going on just fine. And if it went on like that, they could resist the soldiers and force them back.

At least, until the monsters returned and gave them the boot.

“Ha! I-I’m tired.” Divine gasped, energy bolts sputtering soon as they were fired.

“W-what? I thought you could go for ever?” Sam turned to her, eyebrows arched with his mouth hanging open.

“Well…” Divine shot up with a yell. “Tell me if you won’t get tired after doing the same thing over and over. My energy is not irreplaceable.”

“This plan depends on you.” Sam muttered.

“Well, you had better come up with another plan.” Divine sputtered out, pointing to the field.

He turned around only to meet another unexpected event. The soldiers, all of them had hand guns out. And the chopper…

It landed on the field, the blades of the chopper slowly spinning to a stop.

“Oh, we are fucked!” Divine groaned, seeing several handguns targeted at her. “Soooo… fucked!”