Chapter 10: Miss Johnathan

~~~Next day At Queen Mary University~~~

Elizabeth was already seated with Rita as Lucy saw this she was infuriated.

"What on the earth happened to Elizabeth?" Just as she was going to stride ahead at her the bell rings and the professor arrives at the class.

Lucy cannot help but settle with another girl, Maya. Maya was also surprised because Lucy and Elizabeth always sit jointly.

The first lecture was a Project Management lecture. The professor was a middle-aged male teacher in his early fifties, named Mr. Whitman.

The lecture was quite nice and the professor also inquired students if they have doubts they can ask him as their pre exams are near. After forty-five minutes the lectured finally finished, Elizabeth focused her gaze on the topic and gasped at everything.

She used to be a sophomore, therefore, she did not have many dilemmas just need some direction although it has been a long duration since last she touched a book it did not influence her much. Just a quick revision and everything can be reminded due to her photographic memory from her mother.

Thereafter most of the lecture went satisfactorily and if Elizabeth gets stuck around during the topic Rita assisted her. Rita can feel that Elizabeth was serious towards her studies it is just that she cannot trust anyone easily again and does not put her guard off easily.

Elizabeth can also sense that Rita had some changes it is just like some obstruction is shutting off her.

The next lecture was on Digital and Social marketing. The professor was a woman maybe in her thirties, name miss Johnathan.

She is well-known throughout the campus for her strictness and cultivated nature. No student tempts to doze off in her class and also submit assignments regularly. She wore a light blue suit and her head was tied in a bun.

Holding the pointer she pointed towards the screen, stood on the stage, and looked at the class. Her gaze swept across Elizabeth's face.

"Have you all prepared your Presentation on social marketing that you memorized the day after yesterday?''

All Students replied in unison, "yes!"

Miss Johnathan nodded in satisfaction. She walked down the arena and nodded at everyone's desk with her pointer gathering their PPT. Finally when the pointer was fixed on Elizabeth's desk "Elizabeth where is yours?"

Before Elizabeth could get up, Lucy raised her hand and said intentionally, "Miss Jonathan Elizabeth asked for sick leave a few days ago. She did not learn this text."

Lucy had reckoned right that Miss Jonathan hates are these lame excuses and she becomes displeased. She coldly said, "Take these lame explains with you. Do not you know how to study at home? You can ask Lucy your leave has nothing to do with me I just want my work." Just as she was going to make Elizabeth depart the lecture. Elizabeth stood up and handed the PPT to her.

Lucy that little bitch did not know that Elizabeth was already prepared and also asked Rita about it just yesterday and completed it within one night.

She was already ahead of her this time. Miss Johnathan smiled in satisfaction. She said to Elizabeth, "You did a good job, Elizabeth, I have told you several times that you are smart, but you are too arrogant!"

Elizabeth did not retort. She nodded and said obediently, "Yes Miss Johnathan. I will pay attention to it and correct it in the future."

Miss Johnathan got stunned not only miss but the whole class was shocked. Elizabeth who usually shows her haughty nature, is arrogant and argued with her teacher said these words?

Lucy's deskmate Maya, cannot help but ask Lucy what had happened to her because in the whole class only Lucy can withstand with the attitude of Elizabeth in everyone's eyes' Elizabeth was too arrogant and aloof that she never even talk to anyone.

"Shut up, Do not talk to me...!" Lucy got irritated and replied angrily. She was also surprised to see all changes occurring with Elizabeth. A suspicion raised through her heart and she said herself to test Elizabeth.

Maya was surprised by Lucy's answer as Lucy always maintains her beautiful image, Lucy did notice the change and quickly apologized "sorry, my mind was not here." Maya nods her head and does not probe further.

----Lunch break----

Lucy usually lunched with Elizabeth but today Zara asked her how can she reject it? Lucy's background was not as strong as Elizabeth and have to behave somewhat timidly. Lucy cannot find adequate time with Elizabeth so she thought to talk to her after college.


The last lecture was in Accounting. The lecture was simple but when it comes to Accounting topics Elizabeth was a complete mess. What was Accounting? What was the formula? It's typing. This made Elizabeth who was a sophomore had a headache.

The Account teacher looked around and asked, "Does Everyone understand?"

Elizabeth raised her hand, "I do not understand. Can you explain it again?" Her voice was clear enough to be heard by the teacher. The Account teacher was a little stupefied, "What? you do not understand? You always got full marks in the account last year, didn't you?

Elizabeth said innocently, "Yes teacher, it is just I forgot again. Can you explain to me specifically?"

The teacher stepped towards Elizabeth with a smile as he walked down the stage. He bent down at Elizabeth's desk and patiently explain to her.

Every word the teacher said makes Elizabeth understand the topic clearly. Finally, she had not feared Account anymore for the time being she still need to practice.

The Account teacher was very satisfied with Elizabeth's attitude. He thought she was now back on track as he knew that Elizabeth used to be sophomore it's just that she recently did not perform well this year.

Therefore, the teacher stood up on the stage and said, "Look at Elizabeth. The student who was recently off track was back you are going to face tough competition, she asks if she did not understand. You all should learn something from her!"

Zara snorted coldly and whispered, "What are you pretending to be studious? Who knows what has she done to enter the class? She must have given a lot of gifts to her teachers!"

The teacher did not hear words, but Lucy did. He smiled inwardly and turned to look at Zara backseat, "She must be studying recently. But I have heard Uncle said that Elizabeth does not need to study."

These words stimulated Zara. Although her family is rich as well, his father's status was not high as Elizabeth's father, which always made her feel lower. Lucy obtained the result she wants and focus back.

Elizabeth's day was busy than yesterday, and she was very anxious. The pre exams were coming next month, but she had a lot to grab.

Elizabeth was still studying and Rita patiently taught her. As the sky getting dimmed Rita bid farewell with Elizabeth as she had some work.

Along with chauffer, Elizabeth saw that today her father had come to fetch her. As she entered the backseat her father was hesitant to talk to her.

The next second, Elizabeth received a call from Lucy.