Chapter 14: Entrusted right persons

"Madam Green this young lady is not willing to leave, she claimed to buy the dress. But she cannot afford it. The manager said while pointing towards Elizabeth.

Listening to the manager Elizabeth sees the girls and Lucy smiling inside like a blooming flower. Inside she thought you all think that you can humiliate me that easily, b*tches just wait.

When Amy Green moves her eyes towards Elizabeth her eyes melted and the coldness disappears. It only has tenderness and love. She was surprised to find Elizabeth here. "Eliza! How are you, my child?" Elizabeth listens and smiles her heart filled with joy her aunt loves her always.

"Aunt Amy...." Elizabeth said lovingly, Amy just smiled at her and hugged her tightly. The people who were watching were in great shock. They did not think that the CEO's wife can be so tender to a girl like Elizabeth.

Lucy also does not know about Elizabeth's mother's side relative much. She thought superficially in her mind that Elizabeth's mother's family must be poor and relied on Smith's family.

Little did Lucy not know that Elizabeth's Uncle was Charles Green a top businessman in the city. Lucy also admires Amy Green who had helped Charles Green to reach the top with their understanding and wants to meet her but she never relates them to Elizabeth's bloodline.

Amy green was the sole heir of her family inheritance as there was no boy in their family. So combined with Charles green wealth Amy was counted as rich elites. She was also the CEO of her enterprises.

Previously during high school, Lucy thought Elizabeth Aunt must be a greedy woman who just visits her to trap her father and so she fills Elizabeth's ears and separated them indirectly. Lucy did not want anyone close to Elizabeth so that her path can be unstable.

"Madam, you..... you know this commoner?" Manager asked nervously.

Amy Green's mouth twitched when she hears the manager calling. How dare this guy to be title my Eliza. Yeah, how can he know that she was the precious daughter of the Smith and Green family?

Amy turned her body to the manager's direction, the manager felt fear when he saw Amy's ice-cold eyes gazing at him it's with the intent to kill him if he said one more word.

"What did you say, commoner? A commoner? Huh!" the temperature of the shop went down when Amy's angry voice reverberated in the room.

"How dare you call her commoner? She is the only daughter of Smith's family and the princess of the Green family don't you know?" the manager's face becomes white pale, he could not believe that this girl is the one and only daughter of Smith's family.

Nobody would have guessed Elizabeth's identity as the prestigious daughter of the Smith family, they expected her to be with some personal assistant, bodyguards, wearing some shiny clothes, and having thick makeup like other wealthy girls just like Laura.

Laura was also so shocked that her face lost its color she could not believe that the person she is looking down was Smith's family daughter. Laura's family, the Brown family is more like an average family in the streets compared to the Smith family that looks like they came from heaven.

Laura's family had already suggested her she is going to transfer to Queen Mary College to befriend Elizabeth Smith and make her blindly trust in her but she cannot imagine she met Elizabeth in such circumstances. Now, what how is she going to explain it to her family. She becomes nervous.

Laura looked at Elizabeth, she saw her eyes were ice-cold like she had already an enemy to her. Therefore not to blow the matter more she tried to sneak away with other girls but she can't. Amy stopped them, "Where do you want to go? hmmm!"

Laura and the other girls were now scared out of wits its one matter if they offended Smith but now they also offended the Green family what to do. They are surely dead. "Nobody is allowed to go anywhere until I say!" Amy Green is very angry. Everyone knows it is not good to anger the Green family madam as she had a short temper and is doted by her husband. If she is angry just be ready to enter the hell gate.

Lucy came back to her senses seeing the chaos she clenched her hand and garnished teeth in anger, why?

Why is Elizabeth always related to big shots?

Elizabeth exaggerates about her family's wealth and bonds. She also did not tell Lucy Amy's real identity. Lucy wanted to also get close to big shots like Amy but as she is regarded as low life she cannot get close to them.

"Eliza, what happened tell me? Did they bully you?" everyone could tell the change in Amy's voice and temperament when she called and talk to Elizabeth, which is very different from others.

Elizabeth took this opportunity to relax her relationship with her aunt and also to get close to her. But Lucy interrupted while she gonna say "Madam Green, the manager, and the other girls were all-" Amy Green cut her off before she could finish and glare at her coldly "Who the hell are you? Dare to interrupt my interaction with Eliza."

Lucy was irritated no one has ever cut her off like this since high school. The surrounding people started to hum in a low tone, but being close to them Lucy could hear there bad-mouthing and anger surged inside her but she cannot speak up.

Seeing Lucy like this Elizabeth was self-satisfied her mother has entrusted her to the right person. Aunt Amy could tell that Lucy was not good. Elizabeth tells the whole scenario to her aunt. Amy was shocked as well as pleasantly surprised.

She was delighted that Eliza came to her old self the lovingly one but also matured. Eliza was purposely pointing out fault like she was really bullied which is true and also acted spoiled in front of Amy.

Amy never expected that the Eliza that she misses all these years will be back to her. She also learned from her brother-in-law that Eliza had got into bad company and is influenced by them.

They all thought that she will find the right path after some time but that takes a lot of time she always acts aloof towards them for all these years. But not anymore now Eliza is acting like a mature and elegant lady.

Amy also had noticed Lucy before and thought that she was Eliza's friend and will help her but later when Lucy advised to back off indirectly Amy understand this is the bad company his brother-in-law was talking about.

Lucy must have known about Eliza's identity but she did not help her by any means but said to back off. huff.!