Chapter 18: Result

Jasmine fanned out the score box over Elizabeth's desk and turned the last page before Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth look at your ranking. You are at the bottom of the class. Elizabeth you used to be a top student, I'm very disappointed in you!" Jasmine said.

Jasmine had expected so much of Elizabeth, thinking she would improve. When Elizabeth first entered the college her grades for two years were much better and ranked in the top students but as time passed by she got degraded to average grades and now at last at the bottom. Elizabeth made a complete hash of the whole exam!

Hearing that Elizabeth was at the bottom in the class, there were students like Laura with a smirk on their faces 'So what if she is the successor of the Smith family, she cannot get better results than me. Huh!' she thought.

Lucy also had a cold smile on her face because she had advised Elizabeth not to study much while use time to perish Kevin and that fool easily believed her.

Sitting with Lucy, Maya who had always harbored resentment towards Elizabeth, deliberately mocked Elizabeth.

"What..! a topper, she must have bribed others to get better marks before. Hahaha...!"

Jasmine was furious. She turned to Maya and said sternly, "Who are you laughing at? huh! You ranked even below Elizabeth. Not only in our class but in our whole grade!"

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom. Maya's face turned green as she stared at the students.

"What were you all laughing at? Shut up!"

"What were you all laughing. Most of the students' result is a great disappointment whereas some have performed well," Jasmine said shutting all students.

When she got the results, she was criticized by the dean immediately. Her class performance is degrading. Even Elizabeth let her down.

The result was announced finally. Rita was the first in the class and Lucy took second place after Rita as the girls were discussing earlier.

Lucy was greeting her teeth 'How could Rita perform well than her, she must be top in everything. No one can't surpass me.' With this thought, Lucy cheered her up and focused on upcoming pre-exams.

On Rita's side. "Congratulations Rita you got the first place. Hehe! I knew it, now you have to treat me and guide me near future." Elizabeth exclaimed.

Rita was flattered she promised a meal to Elizabeth and agreed to help her with studies. Rita also knew that Elizabeth was a sophomore it is just she had not come in touch with studies for a time.

After the professor left Elizabeth held her exam papers and looked at those red crosses. She could not help but feel sad.

She had always been such a competitive person, but now she had become a slow student in the class that professor and classmates look down on her. The disappointment in the head Professor's eyes almost killed her.

Due to Lucy, she spends most of her time chasing Kevin and impressing him. Taking care of his daily requirements that she almost forgot herself.

'' Don't worry. Let's study hard. Never lose hope" Rita said cheering depressed Elizabeth.

"En...!" Elizabeth replied with a forced smile.

The professors had been explaining the papers all day. Even though the professor went through all of them one by one, there were still many questions, especially some difficult questions regarding accounting that Elizabeth could not understand.

She was a little anxious and upset, keeping her head on the desk. She even did not go out for lunch. Rita picked up some food for her.

"Elizabeth, it is not a big deal! Don't worry about it." Rita was worried that she will not overcome it.

"Rita, am I stupid? I had such a downfall in grades! Did I embarrass my family?" Elizabeth's eyes were almost red.

"Nonsense! Do not say that! Your dad must also be sad if he sees you like this. Don't care what anyone else thinks of you. If you feel bad have a good grade in the upcoming pre-exam," Rita said.

'Yes it is not too late to start over she can perform well in the final exam and had a good foothold with her grades.' With that thought in mind, Elizabeth cheered up.

Just then Lucy entered with the group of rich girls. "Ayee... Elizabeth are you alright? It's fine if you did not perform well uncle will pull some connection to help you graduate." Lucy sounded as she was concerned but Elizabeth can tell Lucy was mocking her.

"No, thanks Lucy but I do not want dad to worry about it. I thought of taking tuition. You should worry about yourself you did not get first place how would you carry up with college without the scholarship," Elizabeth said.

It was simply humiliating Lucy and reminding her of her status. She clenched her hand but did not show her anger she said with a smile, "Tuition Elizabeth who are you taking as your teacher?"

"Ah! that" Elizabeth paused and glanced at Lucy, she can tell Lucy was expecting that she will beg her to teach her Humph! in her dream.

"Rita would you help me with my lessons. I promise that the fees will be as you wish just help me. Okay....!" Elizabeth said turning towards Rita suddenly from Lucy.

Rita was astounded and the other was also quite surprised.

Elizabeth shook Rita lightly. Rita came back to her senses 'any price what?' The girls standing beside Lucy along with Lucy had no good expression on their faces.

"Oh! okay," Rita agreed to see Elizabeth pleading gaze.

Elizabeth knew that Rita needs money now but she will not ask due to her morality but she can help her without hurting her morals.

Lucy clenched her fist and turn to her seat. Elizabeth just waits let's see what will happen to you in the future. With this thought, a wicked smile surfaced on Lucy's face.