Chapter 20: Birds of a feather flock together

At 8o' clock, the banquet has begun. The elder Oliver and Harris were greeting the guests whereas Brenda and Elizabeth were chit chatting with the upper-class lady.

"Ayee... Elizabeth is grown up to a well-broomed lady now... She was so little when I first saw her" Mrs. Garcia said. She is one of the top rich ladies and Brenda's good friends.

Mrs. Garcia had previously proposed to Brenda if only Elizabeth can be her daughter in law but she also knew late Mrs. Johnson's last wish was to make Elizabeth her daughter in law and thus she doesn't prob the matter further.

"En...! Right. Eliza is a grown-up child," Brenda sigh.

Everyone is praising Elizabeth to be on a good list of Brenda as all know how much the Smith family dotes on her only girl child. Many ladies tried to do matchmaking with Smiths' but in vain. Brenda rejects them politely.

The Smith was among the three topmost rich families along them was the Green family and the number first the Johnson family.

Elizabeth was just listening to them sitting beside grandma. Her eyes move around the banquet and she saw the two figures acting like close friends laughingly. They are none other than Lucy and Zara.

'Oh! I knew it the birds of a feather flock together, these bi**hes never gonna suits another better than themself,' Elizabeth thought. They must be planning something against her as Elizabeth avoided Lucy any means of contact with her in private.

Elizabeth excused herself from the group ask grandma she will be greeting her friends and moves towards them.

Seeing that Elizabeth is coming towards her Lucy overjoyed. She sees Elizabeth is in a good outfit and jealousy arouses in her heart.

"Hi, Lucy you are here!" exclaimed Elizabeth with an excited face.

"Yes. I saw you are with your grandmother earlier so I did not disturb you"

"Oh, so sweet of you, it's alright she is also like your grandmother" Elizabeth hugged Lucy. Ewww... a b*tch, how much makeup did she use today, her perfume sucks.

"You are looking pretty today" Compliments Elizabeth.

"No, you look stunningly beautiful I am sure if Kevin sees you he will be shocked to the core" Lucy complimented but was fuming with anger inside. 'How can this trash be better than me? If she did not leave me alone at Mall I must have brought a good dress not something like the third-rate cheap dress I am wearing right now.'

"Yes Elizabeth you are looking pretty, everyone eyes are on you," said Zara to show her presence.

"Oh, Zara is here too."

Seeing Elizabeth behaving haughtily Zara clenches her fist. 'Huh! just wait you will be ashamed after some time' she thought.

"Hi, cousin how are you" soon a handsome boy moves towards Elizabeth. He was the only heir of the Green family Amy's son, Liam Green.

"Hey, Liam" Elizabeth has mixed feelings towards him as in her previous life she did not put him in her eyes. They did not chat much and oppose each other due to her blindless faith towards Lucy. He has always been concerned about Elizabeth.

Elizabeth can be his elder sister due to a few months of the age difference. Liam was like a younger brother. Elizabeth did not want their relationship to be ruin in this life too.

"How are you doing?" Elizabeth asked as their not much to ask. She wasn't good at talking.

"Quite good. But mother always asked me to learn from you. Ayee..! you have to save me from mom" Liam was rather an easy-going person when it comes to family but in front of an outsider, he was an aloof person.

A few distances away when Laura sees Liam she becomes infatuated even Zara cannot resist his charm. He is a prince charming, he is famous for his aloof personality around college but it did not stop girls to like him. His harmless personality cannot tell he was a great businessman. He sought out many problems with his father regarding family matters while still studying.

"Is uncle and aunty here?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah see they are here!"

"Hello uncle, hello aunty," Elizabeth said respectfully.

"Oh my dear Eliza, how have you been?" Amy asked. Charles just nods towards Elizabeth and move to Oliver and Harris.

"I am fine aunty sorry dad has some urgent work so the lunch was delayed"

"It's okay honey there's plenty of time ahead" Amy replied.

"I will meet grandma now, Liam don't you dare to tease your sister," Amy warned.

"Mom I never teases her, you are falsely accusing me" Liam act spoiled.

Amy did not listen to him and moves to the Brenda group.

"See cousin mom is always biased towards you, it looked that I am not even her child," Liam said in a spoiled tone.

"Cousin let's go see if there something tasty I'm starving" he continued as his gaze swept across the people around and frown in displeasure.

Elizabeth knew Liam did not like Lucy so she bid farewell with Lucy accompanying Liam.

Just they have taken a few steps when Laura stops them midway.

"Hey Elizabeth," she said but her eyes were on Liam.

"Hello" Elizabeth was not so surprised to see her here as the Brown Family has some connection and her infatuation towards Liam is obvious.

"Excuse us she is not free now," Liam said coldly to Laura.

"Ah...! okay" Laura comes back to her senses and replies to Liam shyly.

She was now determined to befriend Elizabeth for Liam. Elizabeth can be blinded by Lucy so why not by me.

"Sister do you know why is the banquet held it's so secretive mother did not even tell me," Liam asked.

"Naah, but grandma and grandpa must have something important otherwise they will not do it so grandly" Elizabeth state.

"Yeah," Liam said.

Elizabeth didn't tell Liam that she knows the purpose because her younger cousin brother will also be caught off guard by this announcement. She was eager to see his face then.

They both were having a sweet sibling chat. On the other side, "Almost all the guests are here Johnson's will also be here shortly be prepared," Oliver commands Harris.

"Yes dad"