Chapter 22: Announcement


~~Ladies group~~

When Elizabeth goes near her grandmother she recognized Lilly Johnson standing beside grandma and aunt Amy.

The Johnson family and Smith family used to be neighbors and Elizabeth often goes to their house during childhood. But after they travel to another country for business for a few years, they lost their contact. Elizabeth's childhood memories are vague about the Johnsons.

Lilly has offered to adopt Elizabeth as her foster daughter in her previous life but his son got angry. That day Johnson knew that their cold-hearted son love Elizabeth and they are happy with that. Elizabeth got to know it from Lilly herself.

Elizabeth was somewhat guilty towards Lilly as in her previous life she considers her as her enemy.

"Hello aunty," Elizabeth said to Lilly.

"En... Elizabeth you have grown big when I first carry you you were just a small child and I remember when you go near Aldrin you grasp his finger tightly if we tried to break it free you began to cry," Lilly reminiscing the past and recanting the affection between them.

Elizabeth was 21 and Aldrin was 27 there was only a six-year gap between them.

"umm..!" Elizabeth got embarrassed.

"Come darling today is a very special day for you. Let me tell you something in advance" Brenda said and take Elizabeth to a corner.

Amy and Lilly exchange ambitious glances.

"Grandma, is there something bothering you?" Seeing Brenda flinching to solicit Elizabeth said.

"No... No... I just want to ask is there someone you like all these years in your life..." Brenda peeks at Elizabeth saying that.

"No.!" Elizabeth did not hesitate and answer firmly. The relationship with Kevin didn't matter, it's good for her that Kevin ask to keep the relationship secret

In her previous life, Elizabeth thought Kevin did it to prevent her from people gossiping but if she considers it thoroughly now Kevin only did it so that Lucy can't have the third person tag. People will think Kevin love Lucy and Elizabeth force them to separate. waah...! what a plan.

"So what did you think about Aldrin?" Brenda asks carefully noticing Elizabeth was in some thought.

Thump... thump... thump...

Hearing that question Elizabeth's heartbeat vividly. She was in a daze in her previous life she threatens Aldrin with her life so that he will stop intruding with her matters. Aldrin was also helpless and cannot withstand her stubbornness.

He knows if she decides something she will do it and back off politely but help her on regular basis. Elizabeth knew Aldrin was known as a demon in the business world and had never had any scandal from start.

But one thing that she did not know was why Aldrin like her. When she thought about the caring and deep loving eyes of Aldrin at the last moment of her life in her previous life she felt her cheek burning. Aldrin had never confessed his love to her.

Seeing her granddaughter shy appearance Brenda grinned with satisfaction.

"It's okay I got the answer. Eliza just remembers to elect the life partner from your heart. Be with someone who loves you whole-heartedly."

"Yes, grandma" Elizabeth reply shyly.

Brenda was satisfied with the answer. Her granddaughter will not disappoint her.

They go back to the group.

"Hey..... hey.... cousin what did granny told you? You are blushing hehe..," Liam asked excitedly. He sounded like a child.

"Nothing... you fool..!" Elizabeth hits his head lightly.

"Ah...h.. why are you hitting me in the head? do you want me to become a fool?" he rubbed her head.

"You are already a fool"

Looking at the relations of Liam and Elizabeth Amy was satisfied. If her sister was here today she must be pleased that children are interacting so close with each other.

Not every relationship is required to be bound by blood purely. Some heart connections are much better.

Lucy after chatting with Kevin was trying to contact Elizabeth. She has come to know that this banquet's main focus was Elizabeth if that fool does something stupid her plan will be ruined because she was still upset with her. She has to coax her and convince her to her own accord. By this, they will be one step closer to their success but she was not picking her phone.


Harris goes to the center of the banquet with a mic in his hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen please give your kind attention here for a moment. Elizabeth come here!"

Everyone gets focused on Harris. Elizabeth obediently stands by her father's side.

"All of you must be guessing the reason for today's banquet" saying this he glances at her daughter.

Elizabeth just smiles at her father.

"My dear princess is grown up. She is graduating soon taking this occasion as regard I want Elizabeth to choose her would-be husband or fiance"

The whole audience was stunned, after a few seconds, there was a huge round of applause.

Lucy was greeting her teeth at a corner what was so good to be the husband of this fool.

'No, wait what if she declares her relationship with Kevin now?' she got anxious.

"Oh!... so this is the purpose of the banquet. It seems right as Elizabeth was the only heir of Smith family property they must be thinking to find a Son-in-law to inherit it." a person in the crowd said.

"Yeah...! you are right and look how pretty is Elizabeth who would not want to marry her," another person said.

The discussion was going on when Harris continued turning to Elizabeth, "Elizabeth your mom and I have some arrangement regarding your marriage but if you have someone you like feel free to say we will not object!"

Hearing Harris's words everyone was eyeing at Elizabeth waiting for her answer.

In the crowd, Kevin felt he was on cloud nine by listening to this. He was somewhat sure that Elizabeth will choose him, 'while being in a secret relationship that dupes think that he loves her and going to propose to her soon so why not?' he thought.

"No, dad I don't like anyone. I believe in you and mom" Elizabeth said reasonably.

Elizabeth's words were like a bomb to Lucy and Kevin shattering that future dreams 'what happened to this fool how can she say she did not have anyone she like' they both thought.

Lucy's mind: Elizabeth said a few weeks ago that Kevin was true to her they were developing good and she was going to accept his proposal. But what the hell is this with her words?

How will Kevin improve better without this idiot?

It's good if she doesn't reveal her relationship but why did she directly deny having someone. Did she change her mind now?

Kevin's mind: Did this idiot find out about my identity. No how can she even Lucy did not know till yesterday. How can be this? I have always been careful even I did not mention it in my resume and works as a simple employee.

Both of them have their thoughts in the mind.