Chapter 34: Time square Mall

[Aldrin left banquet]

After Aldrin established himself in the country the first thing he did was to investigate Elizabeth's past event.

He intends to know whether there is someone who bullies Elizabeth or any pursuer so that he can eliminate him and avoid future obstacles.

Later what Assistant Tang reported was some issue with major events of Elizabeth's life, and Assistant Tang said it's urgent.

Aldrin already expected Elizabeth's indifferent attitude towards him, but there was a vague feeling that he wants to remove.

Therefore, Aldrin leaves Elizabeth for the time being to make her adjust to his presence, but he ordered Assistant Tang to keep Elizabeth safe although it was the banquet was at Old Mansion none then less his worry didn't lessen.

When Aldrin comes to know that someone tries to drug Elizabeth's anger burst in his heart. Who dares to hurt his queen..!

Meanwhile, after Assistant Tang reported the incident and watching Elizabeth's previous report he knows his little wild kitten has fangs now.[1]

He respected her wish and did not harm Lucy for the time being but Zara was not so lucky and became the target of his anger. The bankruptcy was just a minor matter for him. It's a warning for all hidden foe of his queen to not mess with her.

The actual reason why Aldrin proposed Elizabeth tomorrow was to declare his sovereignty. He didn't want any other man to have any thought regarding his little kitten. He thought now that he was right to do it.

~~~Present Day~~~

{ Time square Mall }

The Mall was divided into four sections.

Section A- Gaming

Section B- Food

Section C- Clothes

Section D- Jewellery

All the people were satisfied with the Mall setting and the services can be enjoyed easily. The Time square Mall was famous among wealthy and poor people. It's good looking and well facilitated.

Elizabeth and Liam soon reached the destination, they spotted Rita from afar. Rita wore a simple top and Jeans. Elizabeth knows that Rita's family condition isn't well and that's why she previously mentioned tuition.

"Hey, you bought someone?" Elizabeth is surprised as she reached near Rita who is standing along with a guy. He seemed a bit familiar.

Seeing this Liam also frowned. Elizabeth had only mentioned Rita to him, not any other extra person. Liam was not definite with Elizabeth making friends with Rita due to the incident with Lucy but Elizabeth coax him and he didn't deny.

In his mind, he was thinking to test Rita's credibility. Rita and Lucy's background was somewhat similar at starting. Back then he was unable to protect her cousin but he will not let the same thing happen again.

Other people were unaware of his protective and idle thoughts roaming in his mind.

"I think that Liam also needed company so I brought him along with me. In any way, he is doing nothing at home," Rita said looking at displeased Liam.

"But I thought it would be only three of us..!" Liam sounded frustrated. He already compromising with Rita but here is another new guy.

Before Liam and Rita start to argue with this minor problem, Elizabeth asked, "Who is this guy?"

Rita turns to Elizabeth. She also didn't want to talk to Liam he didn't give her good feelings.

"Zack Samuel" after listening to the name Elizabeth glanced at him carefully. He is a bit typical person if she remembers correctly he later becomes a rather popular idol but a girl blames him for mortifying her for which Zack got outcast from the industry and downgraded. The fans abandon him.

Elizabeth came to know about Zack through the forum as Zack was a young idol who will achieve many great things, but he got in prison at a young age. The person behind all these scenes was the girl whom Zack has rejected and later she filed a case against him.

Rita saw how Elizabeth stared at Zack and thought that Elizabeth must not have known Zack.

"He is a small artist at Starlight media. I have already told him about you." Rita said proudly. Zack didn't have many expressions before but after listening to Rita's statement he was a bit embarrassed.

He silently meets Elizabeth's eyes and stunned by the dazzling appearance of Elizabeth. It was pure, innocent, and elegant.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Smith." Zack was being polite snapping out his shock he was well aware of Elizabeth's identity.

"Don't need to be so formal. You are Rita's friend just call me Elizabeth." hehe inside Elizabeth was happy as she also loves this guy acting.

"En..!" Zack nodded.

"Okay! if the intro is done, let's go now..!" Liam was not happy to see his cousin's attention on any other person more than him.

Listening to Liam Elizabeth takes Rita's hand and enters the mall. The first thing she does after entering Mall was to enter the game section.

In her previous life, Elizabeth never did anything outrageous she mostly spends time with Lucy at shopping and boutiques. The money was spent on Lucy mostly.

She wants to experience the thrill. In her previous life, she once asked Lucy to come to the gaming section but Lucy declined to say it's not appropriate to act for Smith's family's heir it disrupts her lady image.

Now when she recalls those things, she was reminded of her foolishness. Elizabeth shook her head She doesn't want her reborn life to be boring too.

Elizabeth gaze curiously around her surrounding.