Chapter 38: Breathtaking beauty

Before leaving Aldrin goes close to near Elizabeth. Elizabeth's heart was a mess now, previously she gathered much courage to confront him but as he comes close her mind starts to get muddle head again.

The expression was so cute that Elizabeth herself didn't know. Aldrin was mesmerized by her look. She was unique in her way.

He didn't want to tease her more it was more like punishing himself so he just pecked her forehead and said in a hoarse but seductive low tone in her ear, "good night queen, see you tomorrow."

Elizabeth's ear was tickling due to the warm sensation and she takes a few minutes to come back to her senses after Aldrin left.

The phone beep a message popped up on her screen.

"Elizabeth I learned that Kevin is preparing a surprise for you tomorrow. Dress prettily so that he did not get disappointed."

A sneer appeared on Elizabeth's mouth prettily. Oh, you mean heavy makeup a clown girl.

In a previous life, Elizabeth didn't have any interest in wearing makeup her skin is naturally fair and it will glow without any product but being influenced by Lucy she disregards her thoughts and wears heavy makeup, that covers her natural beauty.

Many people express their disgust towards her makeup and some even make jokes by complementing high, but Elizabeth was a fool herself so she takes those disgust eyes as envy and the bad remark as jealous. She was an idiot.

Lucy must be hoping that Kevin will have extreme disgust towards her makeup face and pitied herself charming seducing b*tch face. Haha, in her dreams.

Whatever she will not let Lucy win. Also, she has to go to Johnsons after leaving Kevin she can't disregard her image.

Moreover, during the previous banquet, her appearance is rather made known to some upper class not like previously when she was all home and non-socialized. So it looks like those scumbags are getting anxious about her slipping away from their trap.

If she makes another public appearance she is sure that the scumbag and b*tch will put more effort to convince her not to do so. Incidentally, some events needed her public appearance tomorrow really will be a great show.

But she has one thing for sure that she will not fail her father's expectation and didn't do anything foolish to make her father guilty. she will be a proud daughter.

~~Next morning~~

Elizabeth has no classes today. She woke up and wears a leopard print fur top and tight denim jeans, wearing light makeup. She was naturally outstanding, her figure was perfect, and was not too exposed to her clothes. She was neither fat nor slim just fit. The youth figure was perfectly defined in her style.

Ayee! she sighs looking at the mirror. She was a fool to dress lousy before and messing her image. But it was not too late she was still a youth and will not fall into anyone trap.

As she moves downstairs everyone was shocked. Young Miss never dresses so beautifully they nearly forgot that their Young miss was a breathtaking beauty.

Harris was naturally happy seeing Elizabeth taking care of herself. She does resemble her mother's beauty from back then. he recalled a quote:

"When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the luster of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist."

After having a harmonious breakfast Elizabeth told Harris.

"Dad, I will be eating at Johnson's at night. Natalie is coming back and she asked me out so you don't have to wait for me."

"Oh! Natalie is coming back. That's great she is your best friend. Good Go... If you require anything just ask me. Say hello to uncle and aunty for me too."

"No dad nothing is needed, sure I will greet them."

Later Harris left for office. Nowadays Harris is leaving after having a good breakfast with his daughter she was not the girl from before who always confront him. She is a grown-up girl now. He wants to spend more time with her.

With the intentions of Johnsons, he was starting to think that he had to spend more time with his daughter. They all are in hurry to marry Elizabeth to their family.

Sigh, a child grows up fast.

'It's too fast Elizabeth was only in her twenties why are they so eager. Now I have my daughter back I will not easily give her to them. hmph..!'

'Michael keep dreaming. hahaha! That old fool will not easily have my daughter and that punk too..' Harris thought in a good mood.