Chapter 50: Basketball match II

"You know naa my family is worried about me even after the culprit is caught they ask me not to move around much and take measures." Elizabeth refused.

What basketball game? It was just a show

to swallow the entire Smith family. The initial scene had to be done well, otherwise, how could a fool like her fall directly into a pit?

"Please, Eliza, come with me. Just for a moment, okay? You are at university nothing will happen and I am with you. Alright, Brother Kevin also asked me to take you there." Lucy didn't expect that Elizabeth would directly refuse and immediately opened her sugar-coated husk.

'Ayeee.. those smith family fools. They are the biggest block in my plan, I have to seize Elizabeth in my palm.'

Little did she know that this scene made Elizabeth feel extremely disgusted. What a sweet move.! Is she thinking I will melt in name of Kevin? What is going with brother Kevin? eww... She is the most unsafe person what did it mean that she is here.'

"Good." Finally, Elizabeth agreed she can't handle this b*tch coquettish appearance otherwise she will vomit anytime.

Elizabeth wanted to tag Rita along but Rita has taken leave today so she texts Natalie to come to the basketball court. She can't handle this hypocritical person alone.

Kevin has already graduated from the university and was about to take over a good position in Smith corporation. His moments update everyone in the circle. In other words, this basketball match was supposed to go back to his charm attraction to many of his fangirls and this was just a scheme by Kevin.

Elizabeth and Lucy walked directly to the basketball court. This basketball court was very large. After all, it was a famous University in the capital, and many of its facilities are of the highest quality.

Many girls had already surrounded the basketball court so tightly that not even a drop of water could trickle through. Cheers and screams had already spread throughout the entire basketball court.

"Look..! look, that's Kevin. He's so dashing." Lucy's eyes lit up as if she was looking at an idol.

Elizabeth looked over. Kevin was dressed in sports attire, and a smile hung on his handsome face. He was patting a basketball as he showered sweat over the entire sport.

He moved skillfully as if he was doing exercises frequently.

The girls these days were probably like sports boys and those who are warm like sunlight. Plus, the person who had good grades and a good job with his family's mysterious background, and why they will not like him.

"Ahhh..! So cool. Kevin is looking super handsome."

"Kevin is so warm. He plays basketball greatly, I don't think it will be so fun."

"Well, if I could marry him, I wouldn't be sorry if I died." "

"Don't talk nonsense, how can someone with such a mysterious background marry a small family like you?" He must have someone already."

"So I can only dream."

Elizabeth: "…" A simple-minded little girl. Marry him? It would be better to just die.

Natalie isn't able to come due to her strict lecturer and promise to meet later. It was her first day and she can't skip classes on her first day, Elizabeth understands and didn't insist but now she is getting bored.

After a single match, Elizabeth is completely immersed in her world. She didn't even spare a glance at Kevin who was on the field.

"Let's go get some water," Lucy said. Elizabeth didn't know when a bottle of water had appeared in Lucy's hands which she passed to her.

Looking at the blue bottle in her hand, she knew that Lucy has a good plan.

Lucy thought Kevin will directly take the water from Elizabeth's hands and pushed her into the position of public enemy in front of all the girls in the field.

"Okay." A glint flashed across Elizabeth's eyes as she followed Lucy to the court.

Many girls flattered Kevin, who was sitting in the middle of the court.

After Elizabeth left Lucy's side, she walked towards the center of the court. Behind her, Lucy revealed an evil smile.

Elizabeth's eyes were fixated on Kevin. His good-looking face would indeed make many people sink into depravity. His every move and smile would carry a rare noble aura.

If it wasn't for Elizabeth's rebirth, she might have been willing to fall into this man's trap once again and blindly trust him.

However, just as their gazes met, Elizabeth suddenly bypassed Kevin and directly passed the water bottle to the large man behind Kevin.

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Elijah." At the end of the sentence, the entire basketball court seemed to freeze.

Kevin's smile froze on his face. 'What did this mean?'

Lucy, who was behind him, did not expect this Elizabeth to directly surpass Kevin. 'What is Elizabeth trying to do?' she frowned.

Elijah, who was standing opposite Elizabeth, was stunned. What kind of mess was this?

"Thank you." Elijah took the bottle from Elizabeth's hand and didn't say anything else.

Elizabeth also didn't say anything either.