The concept is that the main character is in a universe where powers are very common. They unlock the power after taking different types of drugs to get different powers. An example could be if they smoke marijuana they get the ability to astral project or float/fly. Another example could be if they snorted cocaine they could get the ability to have superspeed or have super fast thoughts.
This can work in a whole bunch of different situations and it would be a really interesting take on the effects of drugs on individuals in a super powered world like the Netflix movie "Power" (Power for those who don't know is about a pill that gives everyone that takes it a random superpower that is within the realm of human limits, although there is a high probability of bad powers that hurt or kill yourself). This could be a slice of life of a druggie trying to make it in a super world or it can be someone resigned to the fact that they will always be viewed as a drug addict by everyone around them.