Chapter 4: The Aftermath

The air was still. No sound besides the wild beating of my heart could be heard. Pitter, patter. Pitter, patter. It was fast. And it had every reason to be.

What could have been that noise that followed me? And what was that humanoid chasing me? Why were its eyes missing?

Nothing makes sense. Why is this happening to me? Have I done something wrong?

What can I do to make it stop? Alright, let's review what has happened.

First. At the check-in lobby. I heard that drip drop. I was on my own because the others were talking and hanging out. They also did not seem to notice the sound.

The second, was when I was climbing up the stairs not too long ago. The same noise echoed from behind me. No one was with me either. They were all grouped and left with the elevators.

The third was just a second ago. A man-shaped creature with eyes gone from his head. It ran at a very quick pace and with tons of force behind it. Its strength seemed unnatural, like that of a beast. And once more, I was along.

Now the common thing with those three things is that I was alone. So the evidence suggests that I shouldn't be alone. Or that I am very unlucky.

The one good thing about that happening is that now I have a story to tell my family about. That is if I make it out of here.

Would I be able to sleep in the car I wonder? Would Richard mind? It would be rude to do that though, he paid for all of this trip.

The sun was now fully hidden behind the horizon which was blocked by the tall trees and the other buildings. Birds flew to their nests in which their children lay, waiting for their last meal of the day.

Other wildlife got ready for the night.

Trees swayed from side to side gently in the late Summer wind.

I reached for the window to get some air into the room. I needed to cool down after that encounter with whatever that was.

The bed was ready and prepared by the hotel staff for us. It was surprisingly well done for a hotel, but on the other hand, it had very good reviews. So maybe it was them just doing the usual preparations.

Either way, it doesn't matter. A bed is a bed. A good night's sleep is the best thing after a day like this.

And so, Jakob decided to take a quick shower and hop off to bed. His day has been too jam-packed for one nerd like him who hasn't experienced anything that intense before.

He lay there, with the lights closed. The room was still barricaded with the furniture.

He once again was safe…..for now.