WebNovelDark Fate25.00%

Chapter 1

"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up, this time"

I hear a small voice through the earphone the girl who sat behind me in the diner booth. I nod along with the classical. Ed Sheeran was never my type of artist but I like to imagine what the things he says would look like if they were true.

"Next time you say you choose a restaurant, remind me to kick you in the head" Edia said in playing with her spaghetti on her plate "I mean what is this? You cook better than this and you are the worst".

"Oh shut up, me and zil used to come here every day after school" I sneer at her. She is just being a drama queen, this place is not as good as the ones we use to go to in New York but it gives me comfort. It reminds me of the times when everything was fine and when Emma and school were my only problems.

"Aha, you two are dumb" she glares but I roll my eyes on her.

"Who you calling dumb?" a familiar scared her from her back. He gives me a dimpled smile and sits next to me.

"Geez zil, don't you have a footstep?" We laughed at the way she reacted. And he turns to face me "sorry I am late," he said before kissing me.

"It's okay; I was just enjoying the look here actually." I replied. Edia was confused and looked around searching for what look I was talking about.

"You want to eat something?" I ask zil but he shakes his head no.

"I just had lunch and we have..." he looked down on his watch "47 minutes before your flight". I give him a sad smile on that.

"If you love it here so much, why don't you just move to Cal u? That way you will be close to home and have me closer" he whispers the last words in my ears and kisses my neck.

"Zil" I said my face turning red by embarrassment. I look at Edia but she was so busy on her phone she didn't notice anything. "I told you I was coming only for 3days."

"Yea yea I know. Come on we will be late" he gets up fast. I know it hurts him but moving back here is the last thing I will consider doing. We get up and went to his car. We kept quiet except for Edia who couldn't shut her mouth for a second. Thanks to her it wasn't weird.

"We are so going clubbing when we get back, clubs here are looks like a high school party" she said egger.


You are just saying that the guys here don't hit at you like New York" zil said looking at her through the mirror.

"yeaha, I didn't get laid since I get here. I don't know how you guys survive by just seeing each other in months" zil puts his hand on my thigh and "that's because we do it enough for months when we see each other." He replied. My face burns in some memories from the nights here. Damn, I am going to miss a wild night like those.

"You blush now, I bet you couldn't keep your hand off him then" Edia teased with a smile in her face. I shoot her a glare. All the sex talk was getting blush so I put my earphone. "You two are perverts" I can hear them laugh through my earphone.

Being back here brought all the memories back. I can't help but think about how my life would be different if made some decisions a little differently. Like if I went to med school as my mom wanted me too or if I moved to Cal u with my brother like zil suggested. But most of all, what if I didn't kiss zil drunk off my ass that night. I would still have a best friend I know my whole life. Someone to share secrets, men I would love to tell everything to someone who knows me very well and won't see me any different. Maybe I would still be living here. But it is what it is, right?

We reach at the airport on time. Zil was holding my suitcase; standing there just looking at me.

"Last call for New York" some girl said.

"I love you" I said and kissed his cheek and took my suitcase, leaving him standing there. But he jerks me back and gave me a breathtaking kiss. "I love you more" he replied. He drew a small box from his pocket and put it on my hand. "Call me when you land" he forces the words out and went outside almost running.

This is exactly why I want to move a thousand miles away from here. Seeing him broken like this is bad for me. It hurt me like a bullet left in my chest. I just wish he finds a good girl who will take care of him and loves him so much. I hoped if I am so far and if he didn't see me every day, he will give up on me and move on.