It had bin a month after we went to the cabin when John forced me to go to the park with him and his annoying ghost dog.
He was convinced that she needed to still go for walks even though I had explained to him multiple times that she doesn't. At least he listened when I had told him that she didn't needed to be on a leash because even if she runs in front of a car nothing would happen to her because she was already dead.
"See it's such a beautiful day. It would have bin a real shame if you had stayed inside." John said after we sat down on a bench.
I rolled my eyes and hummed.
"Yeah it's just great how the sun blends me and burns my skin."
"That's just because you don't go outside enough."
"Hey! I do go out."
He chocked his head.
"Dude going out to collect souls doesn't count."
Tilly started barking at that moment and jumped around in front of us.
"What does she want?" I asked John.
"She probably wants to play." He simply replied while standing up.
I knitted my eyebrows and starred at him.
"You do know that she can't interact with objects right?"
"Yes but she still loves to run after the ball. Besides I can just get it for her." He replied with one of his stupid grins.
I slowly nodded and leaned back.
Then I just watched how John walked over to a big lawn followed by the ghost of the small poodle and pulled out a small squeaky ball.
He threw it and Tilly started to run after it. When she reached it she barked loudly at jumped up and down in excitement. John jogged over to her and picked up the ball just to throw it again.
They repeated that again and again for almost half an hour.
In the meantime I had gotten myself some peppermint icecream and a bottle of water for John.
My attention had drifted to the people walking around. It was quite ironic how they spent their time on so many useless stuff even though it could be the last day of their lifes.
Do they just ignore there unavoidable demise or do they not care?
I wondered.
John walked over to me and let himself fall onto the beach.
"Damn I'm really out of shape." He said while wiping of the sweat from his forehead.
I held the water bottle in front of him. He opened it and took a big gulp.
"John?" I asked in a emotionless voice.
"You do know that nobody besides us can see Tilly right?"
"Yeah. So what?" He asked with an increasingly confused tone in his voice.
I turned to him and blinked a few times.
"Nobody can see her." I repeated.
At that point he looked completely confused.
"That means for everybody else it looked like you just threw a ball around, by yourself for half an hour while talking to yourself."
His face slowly turned even redder than it already was and his confused expression changed to one of pure embarrassment.
"Oh fuck." Was all he said then he buried his face in his hands.
"Yeah you looked like a complete lunatic."
He groaned and then mumble an array of curses.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me that?!" He hissed.
I only shrugged my shoulders.
"Because it was entertaining."
He starred at me in disbelief.
"I know."