The Invitation

Dauntice was not happy to be sent out on errands, but Onicent insisted he had no time to deliver his wedding invitation to Serse, and every other creature in existence. He sulked but he knew Onicent was still more powerful then him, and he didn't want to go the same way Maiguh did. Onicent was even more powerful now then before. Airabella had been more polite to him, she'd thanked him for going to get Serse. As long as he kept it in his head he was helping her, she had been teary recently, and Onicent was no help.

He found Serse's village easily, after all they drew water for their crops from a nearby river. He appeared at the edge and immediately spotted Serse talking among strange creatures. They looked similar to him but radiated no power. Dauntice had always been able to read people better then his siblings, he supposed it was a newer part of his power, and based on a quick read of the crowd they were nothing special.

Serse spotted him quickly enough. She walked over to him, a small smile on her face.

"I have come with an invitation from your sister Airabella," he told her.

She questioned him and he replied, "she is to be married to Onicent."

The effect was immediate, Serse looked faint with emotion, her smile had disappeared completely. Dauntice felt as fear rolled off of her, fear and sadness. She begged him to tell her that Airabella was alright, that she hadn't been hurt by Onicent.

He reassured her carefully, "Onicent won't hurt her."

He felt her calm slightly. She still seemed wary but agreed to come. So Dauntice was settled, but he still had a question remaining.

"Who are these?" He motioned to the other creatures.

Serse explained they were born from the lava too, they called themselves humans. Serse spoke of them fondly, in a way of kinship, but when Dauntice saw them he saw power. Many of them had gathered around him and Serse, they seemed afraid but curious. They were sticking closely to her, then Dauntice saw opportunity.

"I am Dauntice," he declared to them, straightening himself, "god of water! Hail me!" When he spoke he summoned a rush of water behind him.

The effect was immediate, many humans knelt to him. But Serse just shook her head.

That was when something caught his attention. A young girl sat at the water edge dangling her feet in. She had not seen him yet. From her he felt a mix of great sadness but also a deep longing. He left the other villagers and Serse to get closer. She looked up when he got nearer to her, and fixed him with a perplexed look, but for once he didn't mind all that much. Something about her reminded him of himself. That was when he had an idea.

"Why are you sad?" He asked her.

"I don't belong here with my kins, I am to different, they are not kind to me. My sisters are better at every task them me, even my father agrees." She said this all in a lower voice.

Dauntice considered all this. "Are there more villages like this one?" He asked.

She thought for a moment, "there are more humans."

Dauntice didn't wish to have to invite all the humans to Onicent's wedding so he came up with an idea.

"I have a task to ask of you. No one will ever call you insufficient again, you will have honor above all your sisters and your father." He said, he watched her face light up slightly. "My elder brother, god of the land and sky, is getting married and he wishes to invite all the humans in this world to his wedding."

She nodded, "I'll find them for you. No one will miss the wedding."

"I will reward you greatly in return, for this task was mine originally." He promised her.

She thought about it, "I don't mean to be difficult, but how shall I feed myself without the crops."

Dauntice drew a stick from a tree and attached a line. He infused it with some of his magic. "Cast this in the water, and you shall never be hungry."

"Thank you."

Dauntice left her to the task and off he went home bringing Serse with him.