
Deep in the nether, Craftus and his children waited within the castle. Craftus was curled around his throne and Balyn sat on it. His son's Xeo and Neron were nearby, Xeo sat in a smaller throne and Neron had his back against a pillar, he was staring off at the ceiling. His other daughter Ilo waited on Amos with such small movement that she barely seemed there.

At once there was an echoing sound. Balyn jumped to her feet and drew out a weapon. Craftus however just sighed slightly, "it would seem that a young goddess has become aware of us. The shrine in the overworld has been destroyed."

"Impossible," muttered Balyn. She had lowered her blade, but was tense with agitation. "They know nothing of us!"

"It is pesky that it was destroyed, do not fret little one, we are close to my full rebirth. Then we shall enter the overworld in a sweeping force, the shrines will become unneeded." Craftus told her. "Have you awakened our servants?"

"The monsters have been roused, they will gather when called. We shall have an army capable of mass obliteration."

"Very good, sit." He told her, she nodded and lowered herself back down.

"It is intriguing that a goddess has discovered our bridge to the overworld. Troubling perhaps, we covered our tracks well." Craftus mused, casting a glance towards Ilo. "Whoever she is she will have to be dealt with."

Balyn though got an eager look, "let me then avenge your lose, let me at her, I will dispatch her in your proud name. I pledge it to you."

"No let me seize her," Xeo said suddenly. "I will return her to you."

"She is mine," Balyn hissed, she got to her feet.

"Enough," Craftus said, he flicked his tail. "I grow tired of this quarrelling. Balyn, your enthusiasm is noted, but I have other needs for you. Put this goddess out of your mind for a time."

Balyn bowed her head slightly, "my apologies father."

Xeo nodded slightly looking excited.

Craftus moved his attention to his younger son, "we will need to begin our offensive soon." He told them, "Neron! Bring me the sorcerous."

Neron had been quietly in the corner, when he heard his name he jumped.

"Of course father," he said stumbling slightly.

He half ran away to find her.

Balyn muttered under her breath. Xeo rolled his eyes and lounged back on a smaller chair. Neither were impressed with their brother.

"Ilodeena," Craftus called out.

Ilodeena came in looking paler then usual. She clutched at her dress as she walked stiffly. Xeo sniggered slightly at her, but dared not tease her in front of their father.

"Keep Amos busy enough while we have our guest, she should not see him yet, he will have his purpose later." Craftus told her.

Ilo bowed slowly and not looking him in the eye said, "yes father."

"Ilodeena," he said as she left, she stopped, "I sense a waver in you, perhaps you are to attached to those of Minea?"

"No father," she said, "its my son, I worry for him."

"You will be prepared to control Amos and use him against our enemies?"

"Of course father, I will do as you command me," she said quietly.

Balyn hissed slightly as Ilo left.

Now it was only Xeo and Balyn left.

"Our time draws near my children," Craftus told them. "Soon enough we will begin our attack on the oblivious forces of Minea, we will need to weaken them first, I entrust that to you Xeo. Balyn you shall command the monsters and set them against our enemies. We shall overwhelm them. We have but the one more power to gain for me, then I will be able to walk between worlds again. Minea isn't here anymore to lead them or stop me, they are scattered by their own hands. We shall have an easy victory, once we crush down the few that stand against us. Prepare to accept a surrender from the little gods and goddess's, I do wish to rule and you both shall be at my side."

"Father," Xeo said, "of the goddess's may I take one to be my wife? I already have one in mind." Xeo got a wicked look on his face.

"You may, now I wish for you to intercept Neron as he returns, separate the two he brings, and ensure the one named Rissa is out of the way. We will deal with her afterwards, for she makes both a valuable ally or prisoner."