
Sophie wanted nothing more than to take those last few words back. Why did she say that? What was she thinking? She basically just said she wanted to marry him. Who does that? What was wrong with her? She swallowed hard looking side to side searching for a way to recover.

"What did you say?" he asked after he retrieved his piece off the ground.

"Oh you know," her mouth was dry and she stammered on her words. "I feel lucky it wasn't the tavern owner waiting for me, you know and you would be preferable."

"Lenard is a good man," Thomas said, clenching his teeth. "Have you even spoken with him once?"

"I'm not saying he's not, I don't know." Sophie felt even more foolish.

"That is just like an English woman, always looking down her nose at everyone."

"Why are you being so severe?"

"I just thought you were better than that Sophie, I didn't realize you were the same."

"The same as what?" she scoffed.

"As every other stuffy English woman of your breeding that I've met."

She slammed the piece of iron she was holding on the ground, spun on her heels and marched off towards Kathryn.

Sophie was pretty sure she concealed her tears and left before he saw them. She started running knowing that the tears were going to start flowing. He didn't call after her. It wasn't her fault, she thought, the way she was raised with the ideals she was raised with. She had never felt so hindered by her upbringing before. She was proud of her station and wealth and now it made her feel foolish. As far as the ways of the world went, she was as useless as a child. It was mortifying that she said what she did just to have Thomas basically chew her up and spit her back up.

Phillip noticed her running first followed quickly by Kathryn.

"Sophie?" he called after her questioningly.

She shook her head furiously when she heard her name.

"Soph?" Kathryn started running towards her.

"Inside," she said through sobs. "Can you take me inside?"

"Sure sure," she said wrapping her arm around her and walking her inside.

Sophie recognized that Kathryn was still pale. She was obviously recovering from the voyage but not fully yet.

"Sophie, what is it?" Kathryn asked as she sat her in a chair in the small room.

Sophie spilled out the entire story. The playing in the river, working together, laughing, then telling him she wished he was the one waiting for her when she got off the boat and him then getting angry at her for being a silly English woman.

Kathryn held her, "Oh lovely," she cooed kindly. "It isn't as bad as you think."

"Yes it is," she sobbed. "I'm so foolish. It was such a lovely day. I had really gained myself a friend and now I'm just an idiot."

Kathryn rubbed her back and said kind things to her. They heard the wagon approach outside and Phil and Thomas talking although they couldn't make out what they said.

"I will be right back," Kathryn whispered and she went out to join them. She heard them talking for several minutes and when she came back in she had Sophie's black dress. Phil was with her.

"Let's get you out of the filthy thing," Kathryn suggested kindly.

Sophie nodded and whipped her nose pathetically. She wished Phillip wasn't standing over her protectively. She knew she was being a little ridiculous.

Kathryn ushered her to the back room where she could change.

"I'm so sorry I am so foolish," Sophie said shaking her head.

"No, no no, hush. You're just fine. Thomas readily admitted he was unkind to you."

"He did?" she asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "He didn't say he was wrong or anything," she admitted. "But he did say he was rude to you."

"Humph," she grumbled. So obviously he wasn't sorry and he did admit he was rude. "I am just a sensitive British woman, aren't I?"

"It's not wrong to have feelings," Kathryn said, helping her out of her dress. "If my opinion is worth anything I think you are doing exceptionally well considering where you started."

It didn't make her feel a whole lot better. Doing better considering…. Well, that wasn't really good enough was it?

"Doing good enough doesn't keep me alive does it? I don't even know how to launder this." She kicked her dirty dress that she discarded on the floor.

"I will show you," Kathryn said.

"You don't have to Kat, I shouldn't be imposing."

"Nonsense," Kathryn said firmly. "You helped me on the ship. It's my turn to help you."

"That is so kind of you. I will try not to be a bother, I promise."

Sophie slipped back into her black dress and followed Kathryn back to the front room, her dress flopped over her arm.

"I'm going to help Sophie launder her dress. Can we walk her back to town afterwards?"

She asked Phillip.

"I would be happy to do that. Kathryn has spoken very highly of you. I am so glad to meet you officially."

"The pleasure is all mine," Sophie said politely and prayed he would just forget about her earlier fanatics. "Thank you for your kindness."

"A friend of Kathryn's is a friend of mine," he smiled kindly.

Just then Thomas opened the door and stepped inside. Sophie froze when she saw him. What was he going to do? Why was he still here? She had assumed he left.

"Are you about ready?" he asked, staring at her.

"I'm going to stay here for a bit," she said with a shaky voice.

"That's how it's going to be then?" his voice resonated with frustration.

"Thomas," Phil said calmly holding his arms out.

"Right," he grumbled and punched the door as he walked out.

Sophie flinched hard. Kathryn laid a hand on her arm.

"Come out back and we will take care of this."

Kathryn showed her how to lather up the dress and run it down the washboard over and over. She scrubbed and picked at all the stains.

"It doesn't usually take this much work," Kathryn said. ��But these are very stubborn stains. You really did a number on this poor dress."

Sophie smiled and remembered how much fun she had earlier in the day.

"I was really having a good time. I don't know what made him so angry."

"Men try to be so tough but the truth is they are every bit as fragile as we are if not more. What makes it worse is they can't admit it so they blow up at the strangest things."

Sophie looked at her friend with admiration. "You are very wise Kathryn."

"Hardly," she scoffed. "But I do know a bit about men. I have 4 brothers."

"Well, I am truly grateful to you."

Kathryn smiled. They were both bent over the wash bin working on her dress.

"So, how's married life?" She nudged her friend with her shoulder. So I wanted to change the subject off of her more than anything. " I know it's still really early but what do you think?"

"Phil is really nice. He has been really patient with me and let me basically sleep the entire time. This afternoon was the first I stepped outside and took a look at the farm. It really is lovely, don't you think?"

Sophie agreed.

"I truly hope you will be so happy. I think I like it out here on the farms. It's so much nicer than the crowded town with its muddy roads and nosy neighbors."

"I think I will be happy."

Sophie took her friends hand and squeezed it.

"You know, I realize this sounds crazy but I think we are both going to be okay."