Chapter 2. Genin.

Walking out of the city he had seen hell and heaven within, Hayate held special feeling to the city, Lilly also looked back as she wore a half Yukata like cloth and wore long black socks covering her half legs. Hayate colored his hair into black since red one attracted a lot of attention, while he walked alongside Ken as they all moved out of the city leaving behind a long trial of there footsteps.

After some time they reached inside the forest where Ken stopped and sat at the tree base while looking at Lilly and Hayate as he asked: "Are you both willing to be Shinobi of grassland then I'll tell you further about what we are going to do from now on and where we are moving toward."

Hayate nodded, as he looked back Lilly nodding too, with which they were officially accepted by Ken as his disciple as he said: "We are going to the city of sound where I am asked to search for a missing official who seemed to have been kidnapped by a Shinobi organization and the difficulty level is S- class, so I am helpless in this case and can't take you guy's there."

"So a man will be coming, his name is Gen he is a Tai-jutsu master on par with my ability and his team, who are here for a mission of E- class, related to some thug organization and Criminal." As he handed a badge on which 'Middle- class Trainee badge.' was written.

(According to the convention, A trainee badge is given to those who worked under some Genin and other superior Ninja, which aren't the part of the Squad main force.)

Standing up Ken smiled, as they saw a group of four coming toward them, One of them seemed to have to wear a tight fit suit and had green hair with green pair of eyes which looked weird. Hayate saw another weirdo staring at Lilly as his eyes seemed ablaze, Seeing him dashed toward Lilly which almost scared her back, Hayate jumped in between and smashed his leg on to the boy's face, where he was caught off guard, soon he stood up as Leo glared at the Hayate and asked: "What are you doing."

"That's my line, what do you think you are doing to my Lilly." Hayate didn't back down, As he glared at the weirdo with green hair and tight fit suit.

"I was trying to confess." Green monkey didn't back down with that and shouted back when Lilly blushed as she hid behind Hayate and screamed: "Go back, I don't like you and will never even in the future."

"No!" The green monkey falls as he clutched his heart, when a guy along with a girl with Brownish hair and had tomboy like feel due to her cloth, Maybe.

A boy with a calm look and Dark brown pair of eyes, had an intimidating presence walked over as his eyes lit as he looked at Lilly and saw Hayate looking at him.

Hayate stood tall when he looked at the new guy, who smirked at him with a remark "You don't have a chance against me."

Hayate only nods but his eyes betrayed his emotion as he smiled and commented himself "For now that is but, in the upcoming few months, I'll surpass you too."

"That's Youth! Good to see such fighting spirit, well-done youngling Hayate." Finally, a big green chimpanzee also commented as his eyes sparkled and his hand pushed a thumbs-up toward them. Hayate felt chill behind his back as he smiled at Weird looking guy named Gen, a shinobi from the Grassland hidden village.

Hayate started to doubt about the normalcy of the hidden village of Grassland, as he looked at the three weirdoes in the same group when compared to them, the girl seemed more normal to him.

Gen and Ken walked away as they chatted leaving three guys and 2 girls behind when the girl from the trio smiled at Lilly and walked toward the duo 'Hello, my name is Ria Ten, and most people call me Ria in the team.'

Hayate smiled and nodded 'Hello my name is Uzumaki Hayate.' when Lilly also introduces: 'My name is Lilly, as for my surname, I don't have one, being an orphan except Hayate being my only family from the orphanage.'

Realizing there circumstance Leo and Hanam realized the importance of Hayate in Lilly's heart and smiled bitterly, As for Ria she looked at Hayate a little differently. When Gen and Ken walked toward them with which Ken looked at Lilly and Hayate as he asked: "I will return to the village in the upcoming Chunnin exam and will look forward to both of you guy's performance."

"Till then both of you guy's can train with Gen, since both of you had the same weakness, Tai-Jutsu, we can call, basics of basics, but in a tough fight it exhibits unparallel advantage."

Hayate and Lilly nodded as they saw Ken looking at others "Guy's, I hope you all will take care of them Since they are still rookies and I wished to have you guys guiding them during your missions."

As his clone dissolve and Ken vanished leaving Hayate and Lilly a little lonely, but with a new determination of becoming as strong as him someday.

Hayate turned back and patted Lilly head as he moved with the group, with which Lilly also followed his trial, Gen looked at the duo as he patted their shoulder and said: "Don't worry that guy is strong, he will be there in Chunin exam and you both should practice to surprise him."

Looking at Gen, Lilly and Hayate nodded as they walked forward toward their new destination, Which was located at the northeast of the rural area of city lord Mandan, he was known for his kindness but a group of the bandit had Infiltrated the area and were blocking the passage for merchant and other travelers, Mandan was barely able to send a messenger to Hidden village of Grassland for help.

Since the area was cut down from the outside world, the city was traped like a turtle, and anxiety Inside the city had grown last few days according to the intel of an under trainee Shinobi under Gen apprentice.

Running for the last 5 our they reach a small bridge which was made to cross the river stream which was shallow and clear in which several fish could be seen by naked eyes.

Girls took out and arranged cooking utensils, while Hayate fished out some fishes, Gen sensei took out a parchment which contains a grinding mixture of some herbs which are good in taste and help in the growth of muscles and relieve the tense muscles, which was a good deal for a beginner like Hayate and Lilly.

Lilly interest was peaked as she asked several questions on that mixture and detail about the herbs, while Gen was happy to teach as none of his students wanted to since they became a team, Hayate listened about Human anatomy which could advance one Tai-Jutsu and found out about Chakra point, Chakra root and Chakra glands.

Chakra points are which we Shinobi use to release chakra for creating a technique and boost overpower, like speed, force, drive, and response.

Speed is the next necessity for any Shinobi because the faster you are the more unavoidable your attack will be, especially in the fight against a Shinobi, one had to be fast to kill its opponent faster or you'll be late enough to protect yourself.

Looking back Hayate saw Hanam and Leo had started their practice somewhere near the wood, Hayate thought and asked Gen Sensei to help him too in this situation where he mostly lacks in hand to hand combat which he knew from the start.

Gen was happy to help as they both walked near an Isolated site and Gen gave him bands of 3 Den (Den is similar to Kg, but due to World size was bigger and gravity was many times higher, it was a small amount.)

Wearing four of them, he was told to push the air for now with sweep and other basics moment and technique, which prove to be very harsh after 3 hours he was lying on the ground gasping for air, as he took out a food pill and ate it which was given by Gen for a time like this.

Hayate stood up again after some time and started practicing again.

Hayate practiced until he was unconscious on the ground as Lilly came out from the background and sat beside him, She wiped his face with the towel and helped Gen to take him to the campsite where others were sleeping.

Soon both of them also slept and the night wind blew the several panes of grass along with a ruffle sound from the trees which made a beautiful music composition of nature, river water, and insects.

Along with those sounds, several unfamiliar sounds travel the forest. Hayate was standing in front of a Robot like structure, who had been standing in a pose to fight with Kodachi in his hand, Hayate was shocked since no one in the team had a Kodachi but still took his stand for the fight which made the Robot to move with a slash which quick and ruthless but Hayate had fought in several methods as he started to adapt to its attack pattern and the movement soon after a minute Robot made of wood was battered into junk, when another one came out of nowhere...

Hayate smiled as he fought...

Soon he faced an unbeatable Robot who was using weird Tai-Jutsu which had been targetting his chakra points and he already had lost to him several times by know.

There was also another Robot with the best skill of weapon, as her scroll would release a fountain of weapons unable to dodge he was riddle with several holes as he lost.

The last was ridiculously strong and would beat him in a single punch, but there was also a weaker version of him, which would also beat him in a few punched too.

After beaten several times Hayate felt something in the real world as he opened his eyes. Gen, Ria, Hanam, and Leo were also awakened with Lilly by his side also looked at Hayate with little sleepy eyes, taking out a kunai he became alerted since he knew they were Shinobi just like them, because of the speed and moment of jumping on the tree branches creating a different sound.

Gen walked and stood in front of Hayate as he smiled "Don't worry about them, just watch how a genin team do their missions like this, but these group of Shinobi what are they doing here is truly worrisome so be careful with the rest of the journey."

When 4 people appeared, they had a similar outfit and headband which was of a rouge group of Shinobi called <> they had studied about from Ken, they had basic Illusion art and earth-based Chakra Jutsu.