Chapter 7

Earlier then ever Changpu woke at 4am, not forgetting his chores - even more so now then ever as he recognised how the heavy the buckets of water he drew from the well were to his aging grandmother.

He cleaned the cleaned the Ancestral Shrine, bathed and dressed clutching his last 200 or so yuan he made his way to the Jing Express Bus Stop by the Store. The village seamstress was the only other passenger waiting for the bus. Headed to Jing to buy some material for making clothes for the villages and to mend garments. She was able to maintain a steady trade with her skills. Changpu chatted with her and they boarded the bus together - he was nervous as it was a long way to travel to search for a bank account which probably did not exist. But the things that the Wu Commander Interface had given him had all been real - like his performance in the final exams yesterday. So he remained focused and determined on attending the Guardian Investment and Trust Bank to see if their was a bank account with funds in it for his studies.

Upon arrival in Jing, Changpu saw off the seamstress who headed towards a factory where she would purchase fabric at wholesale prices. He then took out an old map of Jing that he taped together as it aged and split and found Financial Street on it - Changpu walked for around four km before he arrived at Financial Street - it stood by its name and appeared to have some of the most expensive impressive business's in the city of Jing. Towering silver and gray glass sky scrapers. He made his way 20 40 60 100, 10000, 2000 until finally 6800, then he saw the most impressive building of all with the numbers 8888 on it and GI&TB in Gold Lettering.

Overwhelmed Changpu stopped for a second and stared at the huge building, its address alone worth untold $$$$ in value. He said to himself "You are a Commander now Changpu!!" and summoned the Wu Commander Interface.

Changpu questioned the interface - what is my bank account number, interface?

A reply appeared over his left eye... was ---???????--- a series of question marks.. wtf..

Changpu swore out loud "@#$% crap interface", he swore.

Then he pulled the Wu Commander token out from under his shirt and held it for a second praying to his ancestors, saying "Help me now please". with his eyes closed.

Just as he finished praying a Huge black Maybach limousine pulled up at the front doors to the bank. Security officers rushed out of the bank cordonening a secure corridor into the bank and a the chauffeur opened to the door to the Maybach saying Mr Chairman, an elderly man, escorted by a young assistant carrying a tablet device and wearing an earpiece followed the the Chairman towards the building. The chairman walking slowly into the huge glass skyscraper out of the corner of his eye noticed 14 year old Changpu in his village clothes and paused for a mere second on him. His eyes flickered for a second startled as he saw the medallion around Changpu's neck. Then strangely he dropped to his knees in front of Changpu - eyes wide at the Medallion saying - Wu... lost Wu Commander.. you finally arrived.. He then dropped his head all the way to the pavement. Behind him as if in a wave security all dropped to one knee in front of Changpu leaving only the Chairman's assistant standing with her tablet and earpiece she swung left and right until her eyes settled on Changpu - then she too quickly followed the lead of the chairman and bowed toward the boy.

Quickly Changpu ignored the spectacle and ran into Ground floor of the Bank around the kneeling bowing Chairman, Assistant, Chauffeur and Security. He walked up to a teller who was leaning over the counter watching the spectacle unfold outside. The chairman now had opened one eye and looked up to see where the boy with the Commander Medallion was but he was gone - errhh what? the chairman said and looked around for the boy. Then he glimpsed him at the bank teller holding his medallion up to her confused face - Do you have a bank account number or Bank Card she asked whilst he hopefully held the medallion up to her face. The Bank Chairman smiled a happy smile and gestured for security to leave then walked over to Changpu. Commander Wu he said to Changpu, let me assist you. and he held his hand out towards the elevator. The teller bowed to both the Chairman and Changpu and as they walked off together - said Commander Wu? That village boy with his strange medallion. Once the Chairman and the boy had disappeared into the elevator her branch manager and security manager both ran over and asked - quick who was that boy with the chairman - she stammered - a boy with no bank account number or bank card just an ancient medallion. Wtf.. the Security Manager said - ancient medallion - did you see the chairman - he's a fucken billionaire - he dropped to his knees when he saw that medallion - wtf....