《Their paths begin here》

You don't meet people by accident. There's always a reason. Either they're a lesson or a blessing.

Boy meets girl and girl falls for boy-- that much is true.

But how this two people would meet is not the same way that'll happen in a love story.

Girl meets boy and the boy will leave. Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together. Maybe their fate is to separate them for now, and reunite them again at the right time.

Right love, wrong time. Let destiny use its power to have them reunited again.

Their paths begin here.


10 years ago

A little girl was crouching in the park and she was alone. Felt forlorn in her surroundings and she felt like something is missing from herself.

A moment of silence.

Suddenly, a little boy approached her. She glanced at it and it seems that he's the same age as hers.

"Do you want to play with me?" The little boy asked her.

"But why? You don't even know me." The little girl replied and wondered why this little boy came to her.

"I'm just asking you." He pouted in sadness.

"...if you don't want to, then I'll go!" He continued.

"W-wait?" The girl stopped him.

Then, he stopped his track and slowly, he turned around to face her.

"If you really want to make friends with me, then come with me! I will show you a good place." The girl said with a smile on her face.

"I never said I wanted to be friends with you, I said if you want to play games with me....not to make friends with you." He replied but the girl didn't hear him.

"Hey, follow me!" the girl shouted.

What a mess!

He sighed and had no choice but to follow the girl.

"Wait for me!" He yelled.

He followed the girl until he reached a wide area near the park. He kept calling the girl, but no one responded.

"Is there anyone here!?" He exclaimed but no one answered.

He kept scanning the area and strived to look for the girl yet he didn't see anything but some trees. And it looks like he was alone.


He was surprised when someone touched him. He looked at it and it was the girl. She laughed at the boy's reaction.

"You seem scared aren't you?" The girl asked while laughing.

"Why did you bring me here?" He asked.

"Like I said before, I will show you a good place," she replied.

He cocked his head on the side, confused at her.

"But there is no good place here," he said.

The girl rolled his eyes and she crossed her arms.

"Look to your left and then look at the tree. You will see something on that side" she replied.

He looked at what the girl said and came a little closer to see what she was talking about. There, he saw a small house.

"A play house?" He asked.

It looks like an old playhouse. The girl walked towards there and the boy followed her.

"Is this yours?" The boys asked.

"Nope, not mine. I saw it and no one seemed to own it so I always came here."

Then, she glanced at him and held his wrist. "Hey, let's go inside." She added.

And as they entered the playhouse, he was amazed by its looks.

"Hey, say hi to Monica." She excitedly said.

"Monica... what?" He hesitantly asked.

"This is my stuffed toy Monica, you can borrow it if you want." The girl replied.

"Ohh… thanks! You know what, I also have stuffed toys in my house. I can bring them here next time. I'm starting to like this place." Said the boy with a smile on his face.

"That's great to hear that!"

A few hours passed.

They were both playing happily. This was the first time that the boy had experience playing with other kids since he always played with his brother. And now, he was happy with her, playing with this girl in front of him.

The time went by yet they were still playing. "Place the water in the mug." Said the girl.

The boy asked, "and then?"

"Then put it he—"

She was cut off when abruptly, she heard a scream from outside. The boy stood and came out to see who it was. He was surprised by what he saw. The little girl came out to see who it was.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'm dead!" Said the boy in horror.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Sir! Where are you now?" They still heard the scream.

"She is my nanny and I'm sure they're looking for me." The boy ran to his nanny.

"Nanny, I'm here!" he shouted.

His nanny's face suddenly brightened when she saw him.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a while." Said his nanny with fear on her face.

"Sorry nanny I didn't tell you I was coming here."

"Come on let's go, your mom is looking for you," his nanny held his hand to leave.

"Wait, nanny. I will go to my friend first to say goodbye." He uttered.

He went to her friend as his nanny followed him behind.

"Nanny, she is my new friend," said the boy to his Nanny.

"That's great to hear that!"

Then, she smiled at her and greeted, "Hi there, cute little girl."

"Hello, nice to meet you," she replied with a smile on her face. Then he turned to the boy.

"I need to say goodbye, they are looking for me." Said the boy.

"Is that so, go ahead then." Said the girl with sadness on her face.

"But don't worry I'll be back here tomorrow, right nanny?" He said.

He turned to her nanny, waiting for her answer but he became impatient so he pleaded.

"Nanny, please say yes. I want to come back here!"

"Of course you can come back here, but for now we have to leave, your mom is waiting for you"

"Yehey!! Did you hear that? I will come back here tomorrow so wait for me okay?!" Said the boy to the girl.

"I'll wait for you then," said the girl with a smile on his face.

They said goodbye to each other. The little girl came home happy and she even told her mother that she had a new friend.

The time hastened.

And the day has come. The girl was so excited to go to the park to see the boy. She was sitting in the park where the boy approached her yesterday. She just waited for the boy. And someone suddenly called to her. Her smile widened when she saw who it was. It was the boy.

"Hey!" Said the boy.

"You came! Said the girl with a smile on her face. you know I brought a lot of toys, come on let's play."

She held the boy's hand.

"W-wait wait!" Said the boy, so the girl was stunned.

"I came here to s-say goodbye," said the boy

The girl gaped.

"My dad came back from another country and then he wanted us to go with him and today we are leaving."

"I did not make my promise, sorry." Said the boy.

And at the first time, they felt gloom inside their chest.

"No, don't say that, you made your promise, you came.... But to show yourself." The girl responded.

"You will meet many new friends there and it will be nice." She added.

"Hey this is for you."

He grabbed her hand and handed a bracelet. She smiled and glanced at the bracelet.

"I made that." He added.

She happily accepted it as she kept glancing at it and was amazed by the bracelet that was made by him.

"Wow it's beautiful, why are you giving it to me?" The girl asked.

"It's a goodbye gift,'' he replied.

"Hey, look." He showed his right hand with a bracelet on it.

"Wow, we have matching bracelets!" Said the girl with a big smile.

"I gave this to you so if I get back to this place, I will remember you… So keep that, okay?" He murmured.

She responded with a nod and smiled.

"I will keep this forever and wait for you… No matter how long it was." She replied.

The boy smiled in relief.

"I haven't heard your name yet, what is your name—"

The boy didn't finish his words or what he's trying to say when abruptly someone called him from a distance.

"Sweetheart let's go, we need to leave, we will be late for the flight."

It was his mother.

Thus, he glanced at the girl.

"Sorry I have to go. Wait until I come back okay? He said to the girl.


The girl was stunned when the boy suddenly hugged her. After a minute, he loosened the embrace and finally left.

Leaving her in despair.

"Maxx…" She murmured.

"Maxx is my name," the girl said with tears rushing through her cheeks.

She felt dreadful when she couldn't even give her name and didn't even perceive what his name was.

'Until we meet again.'

To be continued...