《Uninhabited house》

vyrie said we'd meet by the school gate, but she hasn't arrived yet. will i have to wait for her? or i'll leave right now? no, no, no, it's our friendship day, therefore i'll have to wait. i tried calling her but she didn't pick up; i need to locate her before i lose my mind. then i noticed a woman sprinting towards me.


have you been anticipating my arrival? please accept my apologie. i did something else "vyrie's reaction when he explained it made me laugh out loud. "it's all right, i didn't leave it too long." something about her odor drew my attention. "what's that smell? what exactly did you do?" i began to cover my nose with my hand. vyrie started smelling herself and realized she had a foul odor.

"do you recall the handkerchief that mom gave me and which i misplaced? i noticed it behind the building and reached for it in the tree when a torrent of foul-smelling water poured down on me! ".. her displeasure is visible on her face. "i remember you almost crying because you couldn't see it, but i'm delighted you found it now, but you need to change first since the scent is pretty bad." we both burst out laughing and began walking.

"i texted my driver to come pick us up, and he said he's on his way right now," she said.

"hey, mum!" as we entered her home, vyrie greeted her mother. vyrie ran up to her room, saying, "don't embrace me mum, i need to go to the restroom."

"can you tell me what happened to you?" "w-what is that odor?" her mother had inquired.

"it's a lengthy story!" says the narrator. vyrie yelled.

as i stood there watching them, i couldn't help but giggle. "maxx, you've arrived." vyrie's mother was already facing me, which i didn't see. "hello, mrs. gaddory," i said with a respectful bow. "i'm glad you're here, but i'm afraid i won't be able to entertain you since i have to go," she said as she slung her bag over her shoulder. "it's all right, mrs. gaddory, but be careful!" vyrie's mother said goodbye to me with a wave of her hand.

"maxx, please come here!" vyrie yelled.

"wait!" i shouted.

vyrie finished taking a bath and we're here in her room to watch.

"hey maxx admit it to me are you and renz close?" vyrie suddenly asked.

"why did you ask? of course not." i answer quickly.

"nothing. someone saw earlier that you two were together."

"ah, thats because that bitch teacher kicked us in the class." i replied.

"i get what you mean. by the way, you said you wanted to find someone you met when you were a kid, right? what if you tried to track him down on social media, such as facegram?" because of what vyrie stated, maxx stopped watching.

"how am i supposed to find him when i don't even know his name?"

"duh, nothing is impossible!"

"tsk". i considered what vryie had stated. perhaps she is correct. if i try, nothing will happen. i logged onto facegram and began searching.

["boy in the park"]

["kids having fun in the park"]

no, no, no wrong.

["ten years ago, a boy and a girl were playing in the park"]

"we're sorry, but we couldn't locate any results that matched this search."

i knew it... let's call it a day. no, no, no, please try one more time.

["10 years ago, southwoods park"]

"97 results" seemed to give me optimism because of the large number of outcomes.

family picture at the park,

pictures of southwoods park,

another family pictures posting,

southwoods view posting,

i continue to scroll until...

"the end of the results"

i'm constantly hurting myself. i guess this is the end, and i can't rely on myself any longer. i resumed my viewing and was interrupted by a facegram notice.

"renz sevillio added a new photo" maybe there's nothing wrong if i press this.

"renz sevillio posted a new photo" perhaps there isn't anything wrong with pressing this.

he was eating in a white shirt that, despite its simplicity, suited him. to be honest, he is cute.

i realized i was still staring at his picture. oh my goodness, what am i doing? i was going to shut off the laptop when i accidentally clicked the like button on Renz's photo.

"What the hell is going on?" All of a sudden, I said.

"What exactly is it?" Vyrie asked. "Nothing. I was surprised by what I was seeing." I answered and shut down the laptop right away. "Ahm Vyrie, it's becoming late; I suppose I'd better leave now."

"If that's the case, wait a minute and I'll take you to the village gate."

Vyrie and I were walking at 7:00 p.m., and the lights of the houses we passed were lovely, except for one thing that I always observed. It was pitch black and deserted. It's lovely, and it's the largest of all the houses here, but it's deserted.

"Vyrie, um, What was going on in that house? I'm talking about the deserted house. And it appears that she comprehended what I said. "Since the accident happened, no one has lived there for a very long period. In that residence, a fire broke out, but only the couple and not their child were spared. Since no body has been found, it is unknown if the child died. However, they claimed that the infant would die since the fire was too large.

The couple traveled abroad to forget about the accident after it happened." Vyrie's story took me by surprise. The mansion turned out to have a tragic background behind its stunning appearance.

Oh, that house was renovated years ago, so nothing appears to have happened." Vyrie's words filled me with both anxiety and sadness. I thought catastrophes like these only happened in movies. "Hey, we've arrived. Maxx I'm sorry, but I won't be able to take you home because my driver is with my mother."

"I'll take a jeep," I said. We exchanged hugs and said our goodbyes.

*Jeepneys(Filipino: Dyipni), sometimes called simply jeeps (Filipino: dyip), are buses and the most popular means of public transportation ubiquitous in the Philippines. They are known for their crowded seating and kitsch decorations, which have become a widespread symbol of Philippine culture and art.*(thanks google)