《Good start》

Maxx and Vyrie ordered food for their lunch break

and they looked for a vacant table, there were only a few students so they found it right away. They sat down and started talking again.

"Do you think Renz and ryle are nice?" Vyrie suddenly asked while eating. Because they didn't act on the food your mom cooked, the two even thanked your mom and it looks like they even want to go back to your house." She added. Maxx lowered her spoon and faced Vyrie.

"Duh, It's obvious that they're pretending to be kind."

Maxx took the spoon again and start eating.

"I thought you liked ryle?"

"At first, but not anymore"

"Why? Because you seeing someone? It's either kib... or rez...hmmm." Vyrie started teasing Maxx.

"Hey, do you have a death wish?" Maxx started playing with her spoon.

"I-I'm just kidding, calm down" they keep talking until they heard a familiar voice.

"Did I just heard my name?" They were surprised to see kib standing in front of them with Renz, Ryle, and klent."Why are you guys doing here?" Maxx asked. "Can we sit first? my feet ached because of this" Ryle was referring to the food he brought. Before he sat down klent pulled him. "Are we really going to sit here?" Klent whispered. "If you don't want to then eat by yourself." Klent had no choice but to sit next to ryle. Maxx and Vyrie are still confused about what's going on. "We ordered a lot of food for the two of you. As a thank you for helping us yesterday." Renz genuinely said.

"We helped you because you guys needed help but we appreciate this." Maxx is referring to the food they bought.

"It's better if all eat that together, so come on and let's eat," Vyrie suggested.

They all agreed and started eating when other students suddenly looked at them.

"Why are they with Maxx? gosh I'm so jealous"

"What's going on?"

"Are they close?"

"Xeia, serenity, and Seira must see this" someone took a picture.

"Let's just don't mind them" Kib broke the silence.

After they had lunch the four boys left. Maxx and Vyrie walked the field together to return to their class.

"I told you they have a good heart, Imagine we had lunch with the campus crushes. It looks like we are now powerful in this campus Maxx!."

"Ain't gonna lie but I'm afraid that their fans might get mad at us, You know" Maxx seriously said.

"Yeah you're right but let's just ignore them."

"Wait I thought you would submit something on to Ms. dela Cruz after lunch?" Maxx asked. "Shit! I almost forgot" Vyrie looked at her watch first.

And it's 12:40 pm. "I only have ten minutes. Sorry Maxx but I need to leave."

"It's okay go on, don't mind me."

Maxx watched Vyrie leave and she applied his class A I.D to the class A machine. She was about to go up the stairs when three women blocked her. It was Seira, Xeia, and serenity, the mean girls on this campus. Maxx back away as they stepped forward to her. "I have no time for you guys." Maxx would have left when Seira touched her shoulder. "It hurts, l-let me go" Maxx is hurting when Seira presses her shoulder.

"You will be really hurt if you don't stay away from Renz, ryle, kib, and klent or any of them." She stepped closer until Maxx leaned against the wall.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Xeia put her cellphone on Maxx's face and showed the picture of them together at the cafeteria.

"N-no it was a misunderstanding-- ahh" Maxx didn't finish what he was going to say when Seira presses her shoulder even more. Maxx grabbed Seira's hand and removed it from her shoulder but she didn't think it was strengthened so Seira fell. "Ouch," Seira grabbed her elbow when it hit the wall.

"Oh my God!"

"Whtat did you do!" Xeia and serenity reacted.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Maxx was going to help Seira to stand up but Seira pushed her hand away. Seira stood up and walked closer to Maxx and slapped her hard. Maxx looked to the left at the force of the slap on her and her cheek blushed. "Are you brave now ha, come on hit me again" Seira pointed her hand on Maxx's chest. She's about to slap Maxx again when they heard a voice.

"Stop it already" it was Seri.

"S-seri?" Seira put her hand away from Maxx and faced seri.

"What are you doing here?" Serenity asked.

"Leave maxx alone," she said to the three.

"She hit me first!" Seira showed her red elbow because Maxx accidentally pushed her.

"I saw what happened"


"I'm warning you to leave her alone or else-" Seri took her phone and showed the video of seira slapping Maxx. "What the fuc--let's go girls" Seira took her bag on the floor and looked at Maxx. "We're not done yet Maxx" she added. Seri and Maxx watched them walked away. And seri walked closer to Maxx. "

"Are you okay?" seri said worriedly.

"I-I'm not, but It's okay." Maxx answered. "Thank you for helping me" she added. She was about to cry when seri hugged her.

A few hours later.

Maxx told Vyrie what happened to her earlier and she was also angry with what seira did to her. She also felt guilty because she left Maxx. but Maxx told her not to worry because she's okay now. She also said that seri helped her. And they praised seri because she's not only beautiful, she's also has a good heart. They had already started watching a movie when there was a knock on Vyrie's room. Vyrie stood up and she opened the door. It was her mom.

"I baked some cookies," said her mom as she laid it on the table. "Oh maxx what happened to your right cheek?" Vyrie's mom asked. "I put some blush on Mrs. Gaddory" Maxx answered. "I see. But you forget to put on the left side" then Vyrie laughed. And then they resumed watching.

After a few hours, Maxx decided to go home. Vyrie offered to take her to their house but she refused.

Maxx was walking towards the village gate when she saw that the abandoned house had its gate open and there was a car in front of it. She thought that there might be someone new to live in that house. And then she saw a woman come out and carry a large box. The woman seems to be struggling. So Maxx ran closer and picked up the falling item and helped her lift the box. The woman was surprised at Maxx.