《Beauty and the beast roleplay》

I awoke before my alarm went off. Today is the day we're going to play, and instead of being nervous, I'm excited.

"Are you awake, Maxx?"

My mother called.

"Yes, mother," I say.

"Get up and take a bath," she instructed.

I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I dressed after taking a bath. We'll put on our uniforms first because the play starts at 11 a.m. And once I was dressed, I went downstairs to eat. My sister and mother were at the table when I arrived, and the food was ready.

"Oh Maxx, come here," mom motioned for me to sit, and I did so. I smiled as I saw the one on the table; it was my favorite breakfast dish, the egg, and hotdog.

"Would you like to watch our game later, Mom?"

I inquired.

"Without a doubt. I'm already looking forward to watching you "Mom smiled back at me.

"Are you watching as well?" While I waited for my sister's response, I looked at her.

"I don't have time for that, I have work to do," the surroundings fell silent.

"I see, perhaps you're busy, I understand," I said, breaking the silence.

After I ate, I packed my belongings and said my goodbyes to my mom and sister.

When I entered the school, I noticed that the auditorium was being prepared for the play. I was about to leave when someone called me and I turned to see who it was.

It's was Mrs. Clara

"Maxx," she said as she approached me.

"Mrs., good morning." With a smile on my face, I said.

"Have you eaten this morning?" She inquired.

"Yes," I said, nodding.

"Follow me," she said, grabbing my hand.

We entered the auditorium and walked all the way to the end. She pushed open the door, which revealed a maze of doors and rooms. We walked left and entered through a door on the left side. Mrs. Clara opened the door, and we walked in. "Sit down," she said, and I did so. There is a large mirror in front of me with a lot of light on its side. We're in the dressing room, it seems to be. She untied my hair and started straightening it.

"I'm sorry if my hair is stiff," I said when it was hard to comb it.

"No, it's okay" she replied.

A few hours later.

Time check 10:25 am.

In a few minutes, we will start our play and I am already feeling nervous after Mrs. Clara told me that she would leave shortly and come back.

When it was difficult to comb my hair, I apologized and said, "I'm sorry if my hair is stiff."

She replied, "No, it's fine."

After a few hours,

I checked the time and it was already 10:25 a.m.

We will begin our play in a few minutes, and I am already nervous after Mrs. Clara informed me that she would leave and return shortly.

In the mirror, I examined my appearance. My appearance had changed a little. My hair is curly at the bottom and straight at the top.

It was arranged by Mrs. Clara. She applied make-up to it. I didn't even recognize myself. Suddenly the door unexpectedly opened, I was memorizing my script.

Mrs. Clara was there, and she was accompanied by someone. I stood up and smiled at them. "Maxx, he will assist you later." she said and referring to her male companion. "Hello beautiful, my name is Jayson Mendez, but you can call me sister yna for short," he said cheerfully, and we both laughed.

Is he a homosexual?

"Maxx." I introduced.

As the door opened, we stared at it.

It's Vyrie on the other end of the line.

"OMG, is that you, Maxx?" Vyrie asked, startled, as she stared at me. "Ah... eh," I say, perplexed by my appearance.

"Maxx, you're stunning!!" Vyrie compliments me.

"T-thankyou," I said shyly.

When the two left earlier, Vyrie and I had already exited the room. We were strolling backstage when Kib, Klent, Renz, and Ryle appeared out of nowhere.

Vyrie yelled at them, "Hey!"

"who is she next to you?" Klent asked Vyrie.

"That's Maxx," Vyrie said burst out laughing.

Klent swung around behind me and stared at me, speechless.

"Is that really you Maxx?"

"You look stunning, Maxx," Kib said.

Vyrie teased, "Ayieeeeeeeeeeeee"

Ryle teased me as well, saying, "You look human now."

I looked at Renz and our eyes met, but he also quickly averted his eyes from me.

We walked backstage together, and I was pleased to see Mom seated in an audience seat.

Time check 10:55 am

5 minutes before the play.

When I heard Mc's announcing, I became nervous all over again. "We'll be able to watch Class A section 10-A in a few minutes," the mc began to announce.

It was cold when I was holding both of my hands.

"Don't feel nervous, I know you can do it," Renz said unexpectedly.

I said, "God, you scared me," and he laughed.

time check 11:02 a.m.

When the play began, everyone fell silent.

AGATHE: Once upon a time,

in the hidden heart of France...

a handsome young prince...

lived in a beautiful castle.

PLUMETTE: Poof! Poof!

Although he had

everything his heart desired...

the prince was

selfish and unkind.

COSWORTH: Master, it's time.

He taxed the village...

to fill his castle with

the most beautiful objects.

And his parties with

the most beautiful people.


Renz and I were together here backstage and watching them as we waited for our scene. A few minutes later. I took a deep breath as I walked onto the stage to do my scene.


[Belle]: "Who's there?"I asked. Who are you?

[THE BEAST]: Who are you?

[Belle]: "I've come for my father."

[THE BEAST]: "Your father is a thief." Renz stepped closer to me.

[Belles]: "Liar!" I moved backward

[THE BEAST]: "He stole a rose."

[Belle]: "I asked for the rose."

A few minutes passed.

After our scene, we went backstage once more.

We've already completed a few scenes, and the play will soon come to an end. And, thankfully, everything went smoothly. And we're getting ready for the final scene.