Having fun

Renz Pov:

When I asked Maxx if we could watch a movie together earlier, I was anxious. But what I said earlier is true. My mother had a rough week last week, so I'm hoping to date her this weekend to help her get through it. She agreed, but when I purchased the ticket, my mother unexpectedly departed on a business trip and was unable to accompany me. I ask if she can let it go this time, but her business took priority over her health.

Mom has been stressed out lately, especially since what happened to Ryle, so I wanted her to relax for a moment, but she couldn't. She vowed, though, that if she had the time, she would return it to me. I understand her despite my will, as I always do. Instead of tossing the ticket away or doing anything stupid, I decided to take Maxx to watch a movie with me. I was worried at first that she wouldn't agree to my denial, but it's a good thing she agreed.