Chapter 34: The strange door out of nowhere.

Jazlyn. p.o.v

"Shawn where are my parents?" I asked him for the seventh time and as usual, he ignored me. We were busted by those noises I heard a while ago turns out they were hooligans.

And oops they weren't spirits or ghosts like I thought and my mind was definitely not hearing things, instead of ghosts or cannibals we were greeted by these hooligans dressed like Chapter murder five in the 80s, they carried some sort of strange aura around them.

While Shawn and I waited under the scarf for the lights and voices to disperse we had a little argument which became intense after he kissed me which he claimed he did not, I got so mad I screamed and took off the scarf exposing our hideout.

Which lead us to the current position we were in. Shawn had to dig the rest of my body out of the sandpile, though he was ordered by one of them and he then has refused to speak to me.

I asked him several times the whereabouts and safety of my parents and he blandly refused to answer me. "Hey, dodgeball what happened to my parents? You can't keep ignoring me for long, has anyone told you I am annoying because I am and I won't stop until you answer me."

"Jazlyn stop it now is not the time to fool around, we are outnumbered." He mumbled low enough for me to hear, we knelt down in front of these amateur dumb bastards waiting for when they will acknowledge us or leave us alone.

Finally he answered me. I believe why he said that was because of the guns pointed straight at us by the unnatural humans we found here even though their attention was elsewhere.

"Didn't you answer me at last, they are not listening to us and tell me how are my parents I hope they are not bothered about me?" What kind of selfish stupid daughter am I, how could I have forgotten about the people who grew me up to this stage, the ones who cared and brushed me up. I need to make it up to them when this is over.

"Do you think now is the time to ask?, We are in the middle of a life threatening situation." He hushed snapped back.

"Yeah, we're gonna die anyway if they decided to kill us, I just need to know my parents are fine and safe then I can die peacefully."

"Yes they are and don't think of dying yet, I did not risk myself for you just so you would get killed."

"Yeah, thanks for the advice." I rolled my eyes at him.

"SHUT UP! I can't tolerate it anymore!" The guy holding the bigger gun roared in anger, I guess he must be bipolar, thanks to their bright light I was able to make out their features.

"Why? It's not like you were even listening." I rolled my eyes at them.

"I have and you have been talking nonstop and I can't stand it!" He screamed again, an older guy stepped close to him and whispered something in his ear, that made him calm down, he looked at his gang members giving them a brief nod.

"At least you recognize we were still here." I replied sarcastically even though that wasn't the right thing to do.

"Shut up woman." He growled at me.

So if me talking makes him mad I am sure he would lose his focus on us and then we can attack. I smiled at the thought and looked at Shawn who was looking at me his brow raised suspiciously. I cocked my head to the side so he sees what I was aiming for but he did not get it, I jerked my head a little towards their direction I think he got it this time.

"Jazlyn, I hope you are not planning something stupid?" Shawn drew closer to me and whispered.

"No, I was thinking if we could create some distraction then we can attack, you know to catch them off guard."

"You're right."

"See, I told you I was smart."

"That doesn't clarify anything if you have no successful plan." He smirked loving the fact he deflated my pride.

'Oh my damn' I did not think of a plan, damn you stupid cartoons and movies what I had in mind was so cool but I bet I will even make it out alive because my plans were from movies I watched, I am sure Shawn would be laughing at me by now. I advised myself it won't work because this is real life and you die once in real life. Where did all my martial skills go when I needed them?

"I thought as much, you redheads." He scoffed.

"Being redhead doesn't change anything, I am smart you just don't want to accept it." I snapped sharply at him. "Then do something Mr almighty if you have the greatest plan." I mocked.

"I have a great plan."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"Hey who asked you two to talk?" The same man who screamed earlier asked. I think he could boil an egg with his massive anger.

I glanced lazily at Shawn even though we could not really see each other we still somehow communicated, he then gave me a swift nod. One man grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up and another did the same to Shawn.

"Move." They pushed us forward, I felt the coldness of a gun at my lower back causing chills to run down my spine. I was a bit nervous about my plan and how I was going to execute it, but trying was worth something.

They lead us through a cave and we walked for some time. They led us out of one tunnel and came through another till we stopped at three passages looking like tunnels, trying to figure clues and traps I could use on them I spotted a weird thick steel door out of nowhere 'what is a door doing here in a cave?'

They stopped us for a while leaving both Shawn and I tied to the ground our backs leaned against each other. I sighed biting on my lips nervously, how we were going to escape was up to us and that door was my option.

A plan formed in my mind when I kept staring at the door, though it was stupid thinking of escaping through a strange door you've never seen, god knows what secret hides in there.

"Hey Shawn." I whispered low to him.

"Jazlyn what?"

"I got an idea but I think it would work. Or not."

"I think I support the second option." He replied sarcastically.

"You know I really miss my parents, my dad especially he would take me to the park, you know buy me chocolate and sometimes cotton candy."

"No one wants to hear about your childhood if you don't shut up I will gag you."

"With what? Your butt?"

"Since you like talking let me give you something to talk about." He strode towards us carrying a dirty rag.

"You know it's not nice to talk that way to a lady." Shawn spoke when the man got nearer.

"You too, you want to get gagged?"

"I prefer if you say it in my face."

"Look dirt boy is trying to be tough." They all laughed thinking we were stupid. What Shawn did took me by surprise.

"Hey asshole." The guy looked but was taken by Shawn's unexpected move, Shawn grabbed the guy's knife and plunged it into his abdomen 'oh moses' he immediately cut out the ropes tying him, I already lose mine while I created the distraction.

"Take." He tossed a knife at me but I dodged it.

"Are you crazy dod you want to kill me?" I yelled.

"Kill them now I don't have time for a speech!"

"Sorry but I am not a killer."

"You will one day."

I widen my eyes at him, such a pig. "I swear I am never talking to you."

"Behind you." Before I looked back a sharp object flew right past me and hit the figure behind me.

"My gosh I think you are mafian."

"No time, open the door now."

"Nah ah."

"Now they are coming."

"Even if they-" I paused seeing the angry alive men heading our way. "Okay, not because I want to, but you got to promise me you let me kill you after this."

'God you're unbelievable." He dragged me and bust open the door with ease. He squeezed us through the small door and jammed the door shut. Where the hell are we?