Chapter 56: Chanting of the tribes of Krinshing pt1

#Jazlyn  p.o.v# 

The landing was hard but smooth. I hit the pile of sand just as I predicted, but I did not end up being buried like I did in my dream. I wasted no time and quickly rolled away from the sand pile to avoid been crushed by Max, Cody, Aimee, Shawn or Genevieve. Imagine that I'll be like a pancake if I get crushed by one of them especially Shawn. 

My body rolled and rolled till it stopped at the very bottom of the sand pile. I coughed out sand, lightly chocking on my saliva but I was able to get rid of the sand that entered my eyes and mouth. Lucky for me no sand entered my nose, it would have been a total disaster. One by one I saw them land on the sand pile in different funny ways, the light from above is what lit my surroundings but not bright enough to see the entire cave.

"That was fun right? I told you no one was going to di-" I got cut off by Cody tackling me and Aimee to the ground.