Ch81: Waking in a nightmare

#Surprise  p.ov#

"What is she?" A voice asked from a distance and I could hear it clearly. My ears seem to grasps the voices clearly even though my mind feels foggy. I laid down on a slightly soft material I assume to be a mattress and listened to what I can.

"We don't know yet, but I have taken samples of her blood, hair, and skin for examination hopefully we can come up with a diagnosis."

"Doesn't this lab also run on magical stories?" The voice grew angrier with time as she spoke. The angry voice I soon recognize to be a female voice sounded powerful and strong.

"We used to but-" The male voice began but was interrupted by the woman.

"But what?"

"We ran out of it and I have instructed someone to fetch us a replacement."

"You have been pardoned for long and this girl has been in your custody for weeks, yet you can't come up with a diagnosis?"