Ch99: Agreeable till the end

"Please tell me you are joking." He pleaded with me.

"I am not joking." I tell him. I'd be lying if I said I know who I am. This part of me desperately wants to know who I am and I can't force it out it needs to come to me, to find me.

"But my name you remembered it. You even called me in your sleep?" He tried once again.

"No she didn't remember you or did she ever meet with you, she gave me the name before you merged into our relationship." My little tiger Shawn attacked Shawn dude. 

"I wasn't talking to you... Baby tiger." Shawn spoke aggressively to my young tiger. He kinda was trying to maintain his cool, but oh boy he is far from keeping his cool.

"Jazlyn doesn't want to talk to you stop persuading her." Little tiger Shawn bit back. I don't think their relationship will ever be better in the future. That is if I stayed with them, they will never get along.